This was the first of my group projects at Makers. The time frame was 5 days to complete, and the brief was to build a clone of AirBnb. Here is a list of the user stories we had as a brief for the project.
This is a single page web app built in Javascript, Ruby, Sinatra, PostgreSQL and jQuery. It was my first group project, and my first time using Javascript and jQuery, and my first time building a single page app! It was a steep learning curve, but overall was a very enjoyable experience. it was a pleasure working with the Team, you can find the original repo here. Huge shout out to them members Ben, Meghan and Shadi. I enjoyed the weeks project and learnt a huge amount in such a short space of time.
- A user can Register, or can Log-in if already registered (checked and authenticated via the PostgreSQl database )
- Any registered user can list a new space.
- Registered users can list multiple spaces.
- Registered users are able to name their space, provide a short description of the space, and a price per night.
- Registered users can able to offer a range of dates where their space is available.
- Any registered user can request to hire any space for multiple nights, and this can be approved by the user that owns that space.
- Nights for which a space has already been booked are not available for users to book (shown by the dates in the calender vanishing).
Clone this repo, and in the command line run:
bundle install
Once the dependancies are installed, run the following command:
Then click on localhost:9292 to open this up in your browser and start using!
Add Database:
To save state and add the database to the app so users, listing and bookings can be saved, first install PostreSQL. In the command line type:
brew install postgres
Then from the command line, cut and paste the text from each of the 5 files located in the db/migrations folder in this directory, this will create the tables for your database, and set up the necessary rows and columns.