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sndpl edited this page Aug 25, 2011 · 2 revisions

DbPatch is hosted in GIT. The source code can be browsed through github and can be checked out with:

git clone git://

If you think you want to fix a bug or work on a new feature, then you need to take the following steps:

Table of Contents

Setup a development environment

  • Fork DbPatch on github.
  • Clone the repository:
  git clone{your username}/DbPatch.git dbpatch

for example:

  git clone dbpatch
  • Change into the dbpatch repository:
  cd dbpatch.
  • Make sure to set your git name and email:

If they are not correct, set them to the correct value:

for example:

  git config "Sandy Pleyte"
  git config ""
  • Add the original repository as remote:
  git remote add upstream git://
  git fetch DbPatch

Create a bug fix

  • First of all, make sure you're up-to-date.
  • Checkout the master branch:
  git checkout master.
  • Create a feature branch:
  git checkout -b issue{issue number}

for example:

  git checkout -b issue12

If there is no bug report yet, then you need to create one. If you want, you can add a description of the feature after the issue12 part, for example: issue12-new-diff-command.

  • Commit it to your local repository: git commit ...
  • Repeat the previous two steps as long as you want.
  • Bring things up-to-date with the original repository, especially important if it took some time since you branched:
  git fetch DbPatch && git rebase DbPatch/master
  • Push your changes to your remote repository:
  git push origin {issue number}:{issue number}

for example:

  git push origin issue12:issue12
  • Once you're satisfied, generate a pull request, by navigating to your repository ({username}/DbPatch), select the branch you just created (issue12), and then select the "Pull Request" button in the upper right. Select the user sndpl as the recipient.
Alternatively you can nagivate to{username}/DbPatch/pull/new/issue{issue number}.

Create a new feature

This are the same steps as 'Create a bug fix' but instead of using the branch 'master' you need to replace it with 'dbpatch_1_0'.

Keep your development environment up-to-date

  • Change into the dbpatch repository (if you haven't done yet):
  cd dbpatch
  • Run:
  git checkout master 
  git fetch upstream 
  git rebase upstream/master
  • Run:
  git checkout dbpatch_1_0
  git fetch upstream 
  git rebase upstream/dbpatch_1_0