- Create an object with an Array of objects
- Give the objects inside the array question and answer properties
- Give those properties values. Those values should be things you've learned today (shortcuts, syntax, git etc.)
- Setup document
- Initialized the application; cardManager.init();
- Added event handler to allow showing the next card; Line 28 $("#next-card").click(function() { ...
- Add event handler for Previous card
- Show the answers
- Flip the card
- Handle cycling back to the beginning. Currently clicking Next 3 times throws an error.
- Randomize the Next method so it shows a random card instead of just the next one in the sequence (super stretch).
In the session on Objects, Arrays, and Hashes we discussed different methods of creating objects. You can see the two methods on slides 1 and 4 in the presentation that is shared in Slack#class-flow.
Tonight you should update the flash card app so that the cardManager is created using a constructor function.
In flashcard_app.js change the line:
var cardManager = {
var CardManager = function() {
That will cause some errors in your program. Most importantly the last line
will no longer work. Update the flash card app to fix all the errors.