-> requirment
- mysql running on your pc to run this programm.
-> steps
Use '1234' as default password to login into 'admin window'
Update 'admin' info/data to create librarians account.
You can chage password and different information later.
Add librarian in 'add librarian section'.
You can block, delete or send message as email to respected librarian.
Exit admin window and login with librarian account in order manage member and books.
By default issue book section will be opend, you can change section using three button in top-left corner.
Go to member section and members.
You can block, delete and send message to member.
Now to go books section and add books.
Try to issue single and multiple books to a member.
You can issue multiple books by adding more books id seperated by comma ','.
Use book 'id' to issue books.
If you don't know member or book id you can simply search it from respected section.
If admin or librarian forgot password, they can simply rquest for new password that will sent via email.
Username means staff ID added admin.
for bugs report at projects.libmans@foxdebug.com