This project is created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and added unique animation feature using canvas.
To use this code, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url>
- Open the
file in a web browser.
This project has the following dependencies:
- locomotive-scroll - A smooth scrolling library.
- GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) - A JavaScript animation library.
- ScrollTrigger - A ScrollTrigger plugin for GSAP.
To install the dependencies, include the following files in your project:
- The CSS styles for the portfolio page.locomotive-scroll.css
- The CSS file for the locomotive-scroll library.script.js
- The JavaScript code for the page.
In addition, include the following external scripts:
- locomotive-scroll.js - The locomotive-scroll library.
- gsap.min.js - The GSAP animation library.
- ScrollTrigger.min.js - The ScrollTrigger plugin for GSAP.