A Slack App feature that helps users determine how often a component/element/word was mentioned within Slack messages. The feature provides the user with a number count of the times a specific component is mentioned and referenced.
The project starts off by creating a new Slack App and workspace to build my app. I chose to create a new workspace! Within the application, scopes were used to give the new app permission to do things. Under the OAuth & Permissions tab in the sidebar, add scopes to the app. The scopes that will be necessary include:
: This scope allows the app to retrieve a list of all the public channels in a workspace in order to pick one to retrieve a message from.channels:history
: This scope lets the app view all the messages within any public channel in a workspace.
- Slack CLI
- Slack Pro Workspace
- Python 3.12.0
- Python Slack SDK 3.23.0
- Slack Signing Secret key
- Bot User OAuth Access Token
In the root directory, create a requirements.txt file and add the following contents to the file.
Install the dependencies by running the following command from terminal.
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Use Certifi's functions to locate installed certificate authority (CA) bundles.
import ssl as ssl_lib
import certifi
ssl_context = ssl_lib.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where())
The Slack Conversations API provided access to channel-like things within Slack including public and private channels and messages. Using the conversations_history method, I was able to find all the messages. From there, the text was converted into strings and stored in an array with single-word strings.

Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/debbieyuen/slack-app-mentions.git
Install Slack CLI (Mac)
# Run the automated installer from your terminal window:
$ curl -fsSL https://downloads.slack-edge.com/slack-cli/install.sh | bash
# Authorize the CLI in your workspace with the following command:
$ slack login
# Input an entry for a paid workspace
$ slack auth list
Retrieve your Bot User OAuth Access Token for your app from the app management page. In your terminal, add your token to your environment variables.

Retrieve your Slack Signing Secret key for your app from the app management page. In your terminal, run the following command.
$ export SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

Run the python file
$ python3 bot.py
On the app management page, install the DebBot app in your workspace. Then, in Slack add the DeBot app to the #general

- Python Slack SDK Documentation
- @karishay's PythOnBoardingBot tutorial
- The New Slack Platform YouTube series
- Slack: Retrieving Messages
- Slack: Conversations API
- Slack: Using the Slack Web API