Measurement and reporting of temperaturs values from some DS18B20 to analyse a heat-recovery / heating (German: Heizung).
We are living in passive house without heating. The original controller for the heat-recovery is so old and without service that we have to renew it in some years. This old controller has no logging or an interface to connect to.
For this in a first step, I want to learn, what the old controller is doing. In a first step I want to measure the temperatures on some points of the heating system and log this on an own server.
Download and compile with Arduino for your ESP8266 (NodeMCU)
There are no automatic tests right now
compile it for your iot device
- Andreas Tengicki - Initial work - DeckardRick
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
Copyright Andreas Tengicki 2018, Germany, 64347 Griesheim ( Licence CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0, NO COMMERCIAL USE (