A Visual Studio Code extension for generating CNAB self-installers.
This extension adds a Generate Self-Installer
command to the following items:
files- Bundles in the Duffle extension's Bundles explorer
The command generates an Electron application, which you can then run using npm run dev
or package for distribution using npm run package
. Your bundle is embedded in the application. If you choose the Full bundle option during generation, then all Docker images are also embedded in the application, allowing it to run entirely offline.
Note that once generated, the Electron app code is entirely decoupled from your source bundle. If you make changes to the bundle, you'll need to regenerate the Electron app (you can choose just to update the bundle rather than overwriting the entire app).
The Generate Self-Installer
command prompts for either a Manifest only
or Full
bundle. Manifest only
(or thin) bundles can only be installed in a connected environment. Full
(or thick) bundles can be deployed in disconnected environments, because they contain not only the bundle description but also contains any invocation images and any images to be deployed.
NOTE: At the moment, Full bundles are not supported; and the extension presupposes that you have
To create the installer:
- Build a bundle and locate the
file. - Right-click the bundle.json file, and near the bottom of the list, select the
Generate Self-Installer
command. - Select
Manifest only
bundle (in the current version). - At the next prompt, choose the directory in which the Electron generator template will be created. If you use the project directory, you might want to add
to both the.dockerignore
files. - Once the
directory is created, open it in a console, and typenpm install
to bring in all the necessary modules. - Type
npm run dev
to test the installer. - Type
npm run package
to build the installer for the local OS. (You can runnpm run package-all
, but the current template brings in libraries for all platforms it can, several of which do not work.) The results of your work will be in the-cnab/release
The Full bundle generation options currently requires you to push all depended-on Docker images to a network repository before running it. (It is not sufficient for them to be present only in the local regsitry.) This is a known issue with the
docker export
command. -
The installer uses duffle to install the bundle. This means that another tool will not necessarily be able to see the installation or interact with it. Use duffle to see the claim.
The installer creates a credential set from your values on installation and then destroys them afterward. If you want to use duffle to interact with the installed application, you will need to create a credential set for the bundle.
I'm sure there are lots - please report any you find!
The application template lives in the deislabs/duffle-bag
repo. You are welcome to clone this and use it as the basis for an installer application without using this extension. This extension just aims to make the job easier!
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