workspace for experimental deployment of blockchain technology
This workspace is created explicitely for learning deployment of blockchain parameters. This repository is for educational use only.
experiment 1 hacker.blockchain Natively created HKr token will be used for transactions costs
goals: interoperability, high TPS, low transaction fee research: staking and blockchain DAO mechanism and parameters
hacker: a person that builds a novel solution to a complicated problem ... not to be confused with cracker
cracker: a person that breaks into things for personal gain. see also "safe cracker"
Not all hackers are crackers. Some hackers are crackers.
hackers wear several different hats, see also "whitehat", "greyhat", "blackhat", "redhat"
Strive to be a "tophat" hacker... the best in your field, provide solution as a value
explore open source technology and learn how to use it