A simple tool to create a project with Python, an executable and an installer.
It's only for Windows, but future versions will make it independent of the operating system.
can be installed using the pip package manager:
$ pip install mpp
We will see the main commands here. For more information, check the Wiki!
Let's create a project together:
$ mkdir mpp_tuto
$ cd mpp_tuto
Just answer the questions, where the default values are between square brackets:
$ mpp setup
What is your project name? [mpp_tuto] mpp Tuto
What is your author name? [username] Name
The project's version is 0.0.0.
The project's icon can be found here: resources/images/icon.ico.
The `main.py` file can now be edited.
Use `mpp --help` to display all possible commands.
Use `mpp <command> -h` to display the help for a command.
Use `mpp config --list` to show your project settings.
$ mpp config --list
-→ name = MPP Tuto
-→ author = Name
-→ version = 0.0.0
-→ resources = ['resources', '.mpp_config']
-→ icon = resources/images/icon.ico
-→ console = True
-→ hidden-imports = []
$ mpp config author version
What is your author name? [Name] John
What is the new version? [0.0.0] 0.0.1
Are you sure of your modifications (y/n)? y
Show your project version:
$ mpp version
Project 0.0.0
Increment the version:
$ mpp version +
Project 0.0.1
$ mpp version ++
Project 0.1.0
$ mpp version +++
Project 1.0.0
Freeze your project with PyInstaller
$ mpp freeze
It seems that PyInstaller is not installed.
Please, consider using `pip install PyInstaller`.
Current pip is path/to/pip.
Do you want to install it now (y/n)? [y]
[pip output]
[PyInstaller outpout]
Executable can be found here: target/Project/Project.exe
Create an installer for your project with NSIS
$ mpp installer
NSIS needs "ShellExecAsUser" in order to create the installer.
Do you want to download it (y/n)? [y]
Downloading... Done
[NSIS output]
Installer can be found here: target/Project_setup.exe
This project was originally inspired from fbs.