The Split Update
This is a very back-end-like update. As the development of Reto expands and expands, the main code becomes way more cluttered - along with other QOL updates, this rewrite of sorts aims to solve that.
- Reto is now cog-compliant! This means that every bit of code (category) is divided into a cog for easy access. Now instead of having 500 lines of code in one file, you can have 80 lines of code in several files! Hooray for convenience.
- A config.json file is included. This lets you modify the bot token and bot name, but also the version the bot is currently running on, the name of the dev, and the prefix the bot uses, all in one neat package.
- Try/excepts for the setup! Sometimes the code of the setup might fail because the bot doesn't have enough perms, or because there's something missing. This hotfix aims to patch that.
- Several other bugfixes, including something having to do with ?emoji edit not working properly.
- Preparations for 1.2.1, which hopefully will include the ability to change server-side settings (like the emojis names, for example). This is a very heavy feature, so no promises. :)