final-project-RobertoOranger created by GitHub Classroom.
This is a simple project for study an application of Contract Factory. A Factory is a contract that creates other contracts.
User Stories: How to prove that your degree or certificate is true?hot to prevent false certificates? Istitutions, Schools or Universities can register details of degrees using CertificateFactory to create contracts for their students. Only the Istitutions can create it, because they are the owners of CertificateFactory.
There are dev bootcamp's students with more experience than me. Thanks for your pacience. I can evaluate your projects.
Future developments:
- Ash of degrees by IPFS
- Upgradable contracts using Zeppelin proxy-patterns
- Checking data of degree by other people
- Mapping of data using Swarm
- New projects and usages
Unfurtunately i have not made a front end interface. Sorry. But you can compile and run a simplified solidity version code with remix at this link:
(this is a link of copy of this page)