This project was developed as a part of ECE 519C course work
- @date 2 April, 2020
- @author Devang
- @version 1.0
- @platformInfo Tested on Ubuntu Budgie 18.04
- @about An implementation of Howard M. Hey's tutorial on differential cryptanalysis.
Steps to run this code:-the
Compile the code using command:- gcc diffCryptAna.c -o diffCryptAna (Note:- Ignore the warnings generated after running the above command)
Above step will result in to a generation of file name "diffCryptAna" which consists of binary.
Run the generated binary diffCryptAna using the command "./diffCryptAna"
For more verbose output please uncomment line# 30 from the source code and re-compile the code. Incase you have decided to take a look at verbose output, then please redirect the output to some file which will make it easier to read the output. -- For example:- ./diffCryptAna > op.txt