Set in the magical realm of the Sacred Lands, three races - the Empire, the Legions of the Damned, and the Undead Hordes - battle for the destiny of their gods.
- Esc/Enter - Exit from the capital/city (world map)
- WADX, Arrows, Numeric Keypad - Select character
- RMB on empty slot - Move character to another slot
- Space - Select slot or character/move character
- P - Open party/statistics screen
- I - Open leader's equipment/inventory
- S - Open spellbook (show list of learned leader spells)
- A - Show list of learned leader abilities
- T - Show temple scene
- B - Show barracks scene
- Esc/Enter - Close scene
- Arrows, Numeric keypad - Select character's slot
- R - Open recruit scene
- D - Dismiss the warrior (if it is not the party leader or capital guardian)
- P - Open party/statistics screen
- Esc - Close scene
- Arrows, Numeric keypad - Select character's slot
- R, Enter - Recruit a new warrior to the party (if you have enough gold coins)
- Esc/Enter - Close scene
- Arrows, Numeric keypad - Select character's slot
- H - Heal a creature (if you have enough gold coins)
- R - Revive a creature (if you have enough gold coins)
- P - Open party/statistics screen
- Esc - Exit to main menu
- W, Enter, numeric key 5 - Wait (if on the capital/city tile - enter the capital/city)
- P - Open leader's party/statistics screen
- J - Open journal (information on the current scenario)
- I - Open leader's equipment/inventory
- S - Open spellbook (show list of learned leader spells)
- A - Show list of learned leader abilities
- Esc/Enter - Exit (if win/lose)
- WADX, Arrows, Numeric keypad - Select enemy character
- Space, LMB on character - Attack enemy character
- Esc/Enter - Close scene
- I - Open leader's equipment/inventory
- S - Open spellbook (show list of learned leader spells)
- A - Show list of learned leader abilities
- Esc - Close scene
- Arrows, Numeric keypad - Select character's slot (if active character's group)
- Space - Change active group
- Enter - use item (read scroll/drink potion)
- Esc - Close scene
- Arrows, Numeric keypad - Select faction/class
- F - Filter by fraction
- C - Filter by class
- Esc - Close scene
- Arrows, Numeric keypad - Select an item
- Space - Change active group
- Enter - buy/sell item
- The game is currently playable and even winnable, but is still in active development with a great deal more content planned.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and then once you have made and tested your changes, submit a pull request.
- Apromix
- Phomm
- Gilgaphoenixignis -
- Master484 -
- The RLTiles -
Elinor is open source, written in delphi/pascal, the full source is available at: