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07 components

devlinjunker edited this page May 18, 2020 · 1 revision

Dynamic HTML Components

Dynamic Components can be created with Handlebars partials and javascript files to add event handlers that toggle properties, trigger backend calls and re-render the DOM in the browser.


Handlebars partials are included either:

  • in other partial files with {{> <partial_name> (arg_name=arg_value..) }} syntax
  • in javascript files by:
    • importing at top of file using relative path e.g. import template from ./example.partial.hbs
    • compiling and capturing string in variable e.g. const strTemp = template(<context>)
      • context is object where properties become variables in partial file template

Javascript Files

To attach event handlers to the HTML created by handlebars, you'll need to add the templateString generated by the Handlebars method to the DOM. and then attach event handlers to the elements created.


const template = require("<path_to_hbs_file>");

const context = { .. };
const strTemp = template(context, options?);

const container = document.getElementById("<container_id>");
container.innerHTML = strTemp;

container.querySelector("<interactive_element_selector>").onclick = () => { // Do stuff };

Dynamic Component Examples

A couple of notes on the Dynamic Component examples in this project.


Partial component with svg checkmark inside of checkbox. This can be used to add a stylized checkbox to the page rather than the standard checkbox created by the browser.

  • id - (default: undefined) only if set will add id and name attributes to with this value
  • val - (default: true) sets the value of the checkbox
  • checked - (default: false) sets checked status of checkbox
  • label - (default: '') clickable label text (toggles checkbox)
  • color - (default: 'black') color of the checkmark in the checkbox
  • bg - (default: 'white') background color of the checkbox
  • bg-checked - (default: bg || 'white') background color of the checkbox after checked
  • size - (default: '') size of checkmark (available values = sm, lg)


/* `.hbs` file */
<span id="checkbox-1">
  {{> form/checkbox checked=complete color='white' bg='black' bg-checked='gray-200' label='Check Me' size='sm'}}

/* `.js` file */
document.querySelector('#checkbox-1 input').onchange = () => {
  // Do stuff

Note: Event handlers are attached in the javascript file to trigger this actually doing anything on the page

List Object and List item

Handlebars partials to render lists of items inside of html elements. The developer can specify a template partial that can be used to generate the contents of the list item (this should be a .hbs file).

Because this is a more complicated object (with content template) and likely requires event handlers for user interaction, it is best to create the ListObject inside of the javascript files and add it to the DOM from there.


// Import from path to component
import listObjectTemplate from '../components/list/list-object.hbs';

// Build HTML from Template method
const listObject = listObjectTemplate({ items, template: 'my-list-template' }, {
  partials: {
    'my-list-template': listItemTemplate

// Append HTML to Page
document.getElementById('page').innerHTML = listObject;

// Add event handlers...
listObject.querySelectorAll(<selector_of_element_with_event>).onclick = () => {
  // do stuff

Components Notes/Ideas

  • Seems like handlbars isn't great by itself for interactive applications
  • Can we add helpers that attach event handlers via some template context variable and a property on the element?
    • how about a class? constructor with params that associate class names with event handlers?
      • base class that creates DOM elements (with render function?) using:
const temp = document.createElement('div');
temp.innerHTML = template(context);
return temp.innerHTML;
  • this is almost like recreating frameworks like these though (should test before we roll our own):
    • Angular
    • Aurelia
    • Ember
    • Inferno
    • Mithril
    • Svelte
    • Ractive
    • React
    • Vue
  • Backbone?
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