This repository contains the EasyCrypt code associated with the paper "D. Firsov, H. Lakk, A. Truu. Verified Multiple-Time Signature Scheme from One-Time Signatures and Timestamping".
- - ideal model of backdating resistant timestamping.
- - Abstract definitions related to one-time signature schemes.
- OTS/ - Introduction to Easycrypt: Implementation and the security proof of the one-bit Lamport signature.
- OTS/ - Auxiliary scheme where M one-time keypairs are generated and adversary wins if they manage to forge a signature for at least one of the keypair.
- OTS/ - The lemma "otsm2otsUB" relates the probability of success in OTSM game to the success in OTS game.
- - Abstract definitions related to multiple-time tag-systems.
- Tags/ - The implementation of stateless multiple-time tag system from one-time signatures (motivated by "authentication trees" of Merkle and Goldreich). The lemma "multTagsCorrect" proves that for valid keypairs the tag verification agrees with tag generation.
- Tags/ - The lemma "fr2otsUB" proves that the forward-resistance of the implemented multiple-time tag system with independently generated keypairs is upper bounded by existential unforgeability of the underlying one-time signatures scaled by M.
- Tags/ - The lemma "fr2otsAndPRFUB" proves that the forward-resistance of the implemented multiple-time tag system with PRF induced keypairs is upper bounded by existential unforgeability of the underlying one-time signatures scaled by M plus the indistinguishability of the PRF.
- - The implementation of multiple-time BLT signature scheme parameterized by timestamping repository and multiple-time tag system.
- BLT/ - The lemma "blt2frUB" shows that the existential unforgeability of the multiple-time BLT scheme is upper bounded by multiple-time forward-resistance of the underlying tag system.
- - module type of secret key generators
- KeyGen/ - The lazy (efficient) PRF based key generation is equivalent to the eager PRF based key generation.
- KeyGen/ - resampling keys in the table randomly sampled table does not change the distribution of the key table.
- - hash function and the pre-image resistance game
- - basic frequently used properties and functions
- PRF/ - the EasyCrypt stdlib definitions of PRF.
For this project we used the version of EasyCrypt (1.0) theorem prover with GIT hash: r2022.04-48-gc8d3d6c1.
EasyCrypt was configured with support from the following SMT solvers: Why3@1.5.0, Z3@4.8.7, CVC4@1.6, Alt-Ergo@2.4.1.
To check the development run:
$> cd DEVELOPMENT_FOLDER $ > bash checkall -
If you want to typecheck this code in Emacs then you must update your load path. Make sure your
file contains the following load paths:'(easycrypt-load-path (quote ( "DEVELOPMENT_PATH/KeyGen" "DEVELOPMENT_PATH/OTS" "DEVELOPMENT_PATH/BLT" "DEVELOPMENT_PATH/PRF" "DEVELOPMENT_PATH/Tags")))