Random Password Generator
This Python script generates a random password based on user-defined criteria, including length, the inclusion of numbers, and the use of special characters. It provides a flexible way to create passwords meeting specific requirements.
How to Use
- Requirements
o Python 3.x
o random and string modules (commonly available with Python)
- Running the Script
o Run the Python script in your preferred Python environment.
o Enter the minimum length for the password when prompted.
o Respond to the queries about including numbers and special characters by typing 'y' for yes or 'n' for no.
- Generated Password
o The generated password will be displayed as the output.
Code Overview
• generate_password function: Accepts parameters for minimum length, the inclusion of numbers, and special characters to create a random password.
• Uses Python's random and string modules to generate a password with a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters based on user preferences.
• Ensures the inclusion of specified characters in the generated password based on the user's criteria.
• Validates and generates a password that meets the defined criteria.
min_length = 12
has_number = True
has_special = True
psd = generate_password(min_length, has_number, has_special)
print("The password generated is:", psd)