A Streamlit app that transforms PDFs into interactive H5P Course Presentations, powered by AI APIs (Groq, OpenAI, Claude, Google Gemini). Built with Grok 3 from xAI, this tool generates 10-slide presentations with customizable content types and a Markdown export for editing.
For some reason Github does not like this link so you can copy and paste in to your browser.
- Python 3.8+: Installed on your system.
- Pip: For package management.
- API Keys: Get keys from:
- Clone the Repo:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/h5p-material-generator.git cd h5p-material-generator
- Set Up Virtual Environment:
- Create a virtual environment to isolate dependencies:
python -m venv venv
Activate it:
Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
Mac/Linux: source venv/bin/activate
You’ll see (venv) in your terminal—deactivate later with deactivate.
- Install Dependencies:
pip install streamlit groq pdfplumber openai anthropic google-generativeai
Verify Files:
- Ensure app.py and h5p_builder.py are in the root directory.
Launch Locally:
Open your terminal (e.g., Command Prompt, PowerShell, or Bash).
Navigate to the project directory if not already there
cd path/to/h5p-material-generator
- Run the Streamlit command
streamlit run app.py
- What Happens: The terminal will display a local URL (typically http://localhost:8501). Streamlit will automatically open this URL in your default web browser, launching the app. If it doesn’t auto-open, copy the URL from the terminal and paste it into your browser.
3. Usage:
- Upload a PDF.
- Pick an API and enter its key (temporary, per-run).
- Choose a content type (Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blanks, True/False, Text).
- Select or write a prompt, then generate.
- Download the .h5p file and Markdown summary.
- Prompts: Stored in prompt_frameworks.db (SQLite). Add via:
sqlite3 prompt_frameworks.db
INSERT INTO frameworks (name, prompt) VALUES ('Your Prompt Name', 'Your prompt text here.');
- Management: Delete via UI; add/edit externally.
Version Description
This H5P Material Generator, crafted with Grok 3 from xAI, delivers a polished prototype for creating educational content:
- Core Features:
PDF to H5P: Converts uploaded PDFs into 10-slide H5P Course Presentations.
Content Types: Supports Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blanks, True/False, and Text slides with outlines and speaker note
AI-Powered: Integrates Groq, OpenAI, Claude, and Google Gemini APIs for dynamic content generation.
Markdown Export: Downloads a .md file with slide details for easy editing.
Prompt Database: Stores creative prompts (e.g., 5E Instructional Model) in SQLite, selectable via UI.
- Achievements:
- Iterative Wins: Fixed file path errors, JSON parsing, and H5P compatibility (e.g., H5P.Text to H5P.AdvancedText).
- Session Persistence: Ensured H5P and Markdown downloads coexist without resets using st.session_state.
- Flexibility: Handles varied API outputs with fallbacks, keeping slides at a consistent 10.
- How We Got Here:
- Collaborated with Grok 3 to debug and refine—Grok’s quick iterations crushed issues like KeyError: 'text' and H5P validation errors.
- Locked app.py for stability after core tweaks, focusing enhancements in h5p_builder.py.
Things to do
- Fill in the blanks is not placing correcting on the import into H5P, it still builds so you can manually edit it out of the Markdown questions created.
- Add more activities
- At the moment it will only build 10 slides of single activities so you have to copy and paste to mix them up, easy enough to do in the copy/paste commands on H5P. But it would be nice to get an auto create going.