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A snap for managing charmed MAAS deployments.


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MAAS Anvil

MAAS Anvil is a snap for managing a charmed (HA) MAAS deployment.


MAAS Anvil is currently in a closed beta stage, approaching production stability

MAAS Deployment Components

MAAS Anvil is part of the MAAS deployment strategy, which includes:

  1. MAAS Charms: Charmed versions of MAAS components.
  2. MAAS Anvil: Uses MAAS charms to simplify MAAS deployments.
  3. MAAS Terraform Provider: Configures active MAAS deployments.

MAAS Anvil streamlines the deployment process using MAAS charms. After deployment, the MAAS Terraform provider can be used for further configuration of the active MAAS environment.

In this documentation

Serve our study Serve our work
Tutorials Hands-on introductions to MAAS Anvil features How-to guides Step-by-step guides covering key operations
Reference Technical specifications


Bootstrap a maas-anvil cluster to learn the basics

The following instructions assume that you have three nodes infra1, infra2, infra3 running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and their networking is configured correctly.

In addition, the instructions assume that MAAS Anvil deploys all available components (roles) on all three nodes:

  • MAAS region controller
  • MAAS rack controller (agent)
  • PostgreSQL
  • HAProxy

Preparation steps for each node

First, MAAS Anvil needs to be installed and some prerequisites for MAAS Anvil need to be set up. This needs to be done on every node. You can learn more about what maas-anvil prepare-node-script does in the CLI interface reference.

ubuntu@infra{1,2,3}:~$ sudo snap install maas-anvil --edge
ubuntu@infra{1,2,3}:~$ maas-anvil prepare-node-script | bash -x

Among other things, the prepare-node-script adds the current user to the snap_daemon group. In order for the group changes to take effect, you must log out and log in again. If the file ownership of groups is not a major concern for you, you can also run the following command to activate the changes to the groups immediately.

ubuntu@infra{1,2,3}:~$ newgrp snap_daemon

Bootstrap the first node

To initialize the cluster you need to run the bootstrap command on the first node.

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil cluster bootstrap \
    --role database --role region --role agent --role haproxy \


The --accept-defaults flag, as the name suggests, accepts the default configuration of MAAS Anvil. The most important configurations are the virtual IP, PostgreSQL max_connections and TLS termination. If the --accept-defaults flag is omitted, you will be prompted for the configuration during the deployment. If you want to specify the configuration beforehand, you can create a manifest file and provide the manifest file with the --manifest flag. Read more about how to configure your MAAS Anvil deployment with a manifest file.

Add new nodes to the MAAS cluster

To add additional nodes to the cluster, you must first create join tokens on the initial node on which the cluster was bootstrapped. Make sure that you specify the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the joining node in the fqdn flag.

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil cluster add --fqdn infra2.
Token for the Node infra2.: eyJuYW1lIjoibWFhcy00Lm1hYXMiLCJzZWNyZXQiOiI3MmE512342abcdEASWWxOWNlYWNkYmJjMWRmMjk4OThkYWFkYzQzMDAzZjk4NmRkZDI2MWRhYWVkZTIxIiwiZmluZ2VycHJpbnQiOiJlODU5ZmY5NjAwMDU4OGFjZmQ5ZDM0NjFhMDk5NmU1YTU3YjhjN2Q2ZjE4M2NjZDRlOTg2NGRkZjQ3NWMwZWM1Iiwiam9pbl9hZGRyZXNzZXMiOlsiMTAuMjAuMC43OjcwMDAiLCIxMC4yMC4wLjg6NzAwMCJdfQ==

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil cluster add --fqdn infra3.
Token for the Node infra3.: eyJuYW1lIjoibWFhcy00Lm1hYXMiLCJzZWNyZXQiOiI3MmE512342abcdEASWWxOWNlYWNkYmJjMWRmMjk4OThkYWFkYzQzMDAzZjk4NmRkZDI2MWRhYWVkZTIxIiwiZmluZ2VycHJpbnQiOiJlODU5ZmY5NjAwMDU4OGFjZmQ5ZDM0NjFhMDk5NmU1YTU3YjhjN2Q2ZjE4M2NjZDRlOTg2NGRkZjQ3NWMwZWM1Iiwiam9pbl9hZGRyZXNzZXMiOlsiMTAuMjAuMC43OjcwMDAiLCIxMC4yMC4wLjg6NzAwMCJdfQ==

Join new nodes to the MAAS cluster

Now we have to join the cluster on the joining nodes using the cluster join command and the join token that was just created. The roles with which a node joins the cluster can be specific to the node and do not have to match those of the bootstrap node. In this example, we opt for a configuration in which every node has every component.

ubuntu@infra2:~$ maas-anvil cluster join \
    --role database --role region --role agent --role haproxy \
ubuntu@infra3:~$ maas-anvil cluster join \
    --role database --role region --role agent --role haproxy \

Confirm the cluster status

If everything went smoothly, the MAAS-Anvil cluster should now be operational. You can check the status of your cluster with the following command. If you would like to learn more about how to monitor an ongoing MAAS Anvil deployment, you can read more about this in the section Monitor an ongoing deployment.

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil cluster list
┃ Node   ┃ Status ┃ Region ┃ Agent ┃ Database ┃ HAProxy ┃
│ infra1 │   up   │   x    │   x   │    x     │    x    │
│ infra2 │   up   │   x    │   x   │    x     │    x    │
│ infra3 │   up   │   x    │   x   │    x     │    x    │

Create MAAS admin user

To finish up your deployment you can create the MAAS admin user with the following command:

ubuntu@infra1:~$ juju run maas-region/0 create-admin username=admin password=pass ssh-import=lp:maasadmin

You should now have a running MAAS Anvil HA cluster with one admin user ✨.

How to

Bootstrap a cluster

This is a shorter version of the Bootstrap a maas-anvil cluster to learn the basics tutorial. You can reference this how to, if you have deployed a MAAS Anvil cluster before, but need a refresh on the process.

Prepare nodes

On each node you need to run the following commands to prepare them for usage with MAAS Anvil:

ubuntu@infra{1,2,3}:~$ sudo snap install maas-anvil --edge
ubuntu@infra{1,2,3}:~$ maas-anvil prepare-node-script | bash -x

Among other things, the prepare-node-script adds the current user to the snap_daemon group. In order for the group changes to take effect, you must log out and log in again. If the file ownership of groups is not a major concern for you, you can also run the following command to activate the changes to the groups immediately.

ubuntu@infra{1,2,3}:~$ newgrp snap_daemon

Bootstrap the first node

To initialize the cluster you need to run the bootstrap command on the first node.

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil cluster bootstrap \
    --role database --role region --role agent --role haproxy \

Add new nodes

To add a new node to the cluster run the following cluster add on the bootstrap node and make note of the tokens.

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil cluster add --fqdn infra2.
Token for the Node infra2.: eyJuYW1lIjoibWFhcy00Lm1hYXMiLCJzZWNyZXQiOiI3MmE512342abcdEASWWxOWNlYWNkYmJjMWRmMjk4OThkYWFkYzQzMDAzZjk4NmRkZDI2MWRhYWVkZTIxIiwiZmluZ2VycHJpbnQiOiJlODU5ZmY5NjAwMDU4OGFjZmQ5ZDM0NjFhMDk5NmU1YTU3YjhjN2Q2ZjE4M2NjZDRlOTg2NGRkZjQ3NWMwZWM1Iiwiam9pbl9hZGRyZXNzZXMiOlsiMTAuMjAuMC43OjcwMDAiLCIxMC4yMC4wLjg6NzAwMCJdfQ==

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil cluster add --fqdn infra3.
Token for the Node infra3.: eyJuYW1lIjoibWFhcy00Lm1hYXMiLCJzZWNyZXQiOiI3MmE512342abcdEASWWxOWNlYWNkYmJjMWRmMjk4OThkYWFkYzQzMDAzZjk4NmRkZDI2MWRhYWVkZTIxIiwiZmluZ2VycHJpbnQiOiJlODU5ZmY5NjAwMDU4OGFjZmQ5ZDM0NjFhMDk5NmU1YTU3YjhjN2Q2ZjE4M2NjZDRlOTg2NGRkZjQ3NWMwZWM1Iiwiam9pbl9hZGRyZXNzZXMiOlsiMTAuMjAuMC43OjcwMDAiLCIxMC4yMC4wLjg6NzAwMCJdfQ==

Join new nodes to the cluster

Join the cluster on the joining nodes using the cluster join command, the join token that was just created and the roles you want for the specific node.

ubuntu@infra2:~$ maas-anvil cluster join \
    --role database --role region --role agent --role haproxy \
ubuntu@infra3:~$ maas-anvil cluster join \
    --role database --role region --role agent --role haproxy \

Log into the Juju controller

If you receive an error message like the following:

Please enter password for $node on anvil-controller

It is because Juju OAuth macaroons typically expire after 24h. If you need to interact with the MAAS Anvil Juju controller once the macaroon expires, you will need to re-authenticate your session. You can re-authenticate your session with the following command:

ubuntu@$node:~$ maas-anvil juju-login

You can also manually fetch the login credentials from MAAS Anvil with:

ubuntu@$node:~$ cat ~/snap/maas-anvil/current/account.yaml
password: $password
user: $user

And use juju login as usual.

Configure your MAAS Anvil deployment

When deploying MAAS in high availability, you may need to configure the maximum connection to the database, the virtual IP, TLS, the charms versions used or even the way a component is deployed. MAAS Anvil allows you to configure all of these things, and this section explains how to do it.

If you want to know exactly what configuration options are available and what effects they have, please read the section on Configuration options.

The configuration options of MAAS Anvil are generally divided into two categories:

  • Deployment
  • Software

In the deployment category you can configure general options for deployment, in the software category you can select versions and configuration of all charms used in MAAS Anvil and define how these charms are deployed.

--accept-defaults flag

If you set the --accept-defaults flag on the bootstrapped and joining nodes you will accept the default configuration that comes with MAAS Anvil. For all available configuration options you can see the default option in the Configuration options section.

Configuration prompting

If you omit the --accept-defaults flag, you will be prompted to enter the deployment configuration during deployment. However, you will not be prompted for the software configuration. The software default settings will still be selected.

Manifest file

If you want to define the entire configuration of the MAAS Anvil deployment in advance, both deployment and software, you can do so with a manifest file. A manifest file is a yaml file that can be used to specify all configurations for a MAAS Anvil cluster deployment.

Run the following command to generate a manifest file for MAAS Anvil:

maas-anvil manifest generate

A manifest file will be created in the default location $HOME/.config/anvil/manifest.yaml. If you have a running MAAS Anvil installation, the manifest file will be based on the configurations of your running MAAS Anvil cluster. If no bootstrap has been performed yet, you will receive a default configuration file that looks something like this:

        # Management networks shared by hosts (CIDRs, separated by comma)
        management_cidr: ""
        # Maximum number of concurrent connections to allow to the database server
        max_connections: "default"
        # Virtual IP to use for the Cluster in HA
        virtual_ip: ""
        # Path to SSL Certificate for HAProxy
        ssl_cert: ""
        # Path to private key for the SSL certificate
        ssl_key: ""
        # Path to CA cert chain, for use with self-signed SSL certificates (enter nothing to skip)
        ssl_cacert: ""
        # TLS mode: ['termination', 'passthrough', 'disabled']?
        tls_mode: "disabled"
        # Path to SSL Certificate for HAProxy
        ssl_cert: ""
        # Path to private key for the SSL certificate
        ssl_key: ""
        # Path to CA cert chain, for use with self-signed SSL certificates (enter nothing to skip)
        ssl_cacert: ""
        # TLS mode: ['passthrough', 'disabled']?
        tls_mode: "disabled"
    # juju:
    #   bootstrap_args: []
    #   scale_args: []
    # charms:
    #   maas-region:
    #     channel: 3.4/edge
    #     revision: null
    #     config: null
    #   maas-agent:
    #     channel: 3.4/edge
    #     revision: null
    #     config: null
    #   haproxy:
    #     channel: latest/stable
    #     revision: null
    #     config: null
    #   postgresql:
    #     channel: 14/stable
    #     revision: null
    #     config: null
    #   keepalived:
    #     channel: latest/stable
    #     revision: null
    #     config: null
    # terraform:
    #   maas-region-plan:
    #     source: /snap/maas-anvil/63/etc/deploy-maas-region
    #   maas-agent-plan:
    #     source: /snap/maas-anvil/63/etc/deploy-maas-agent
    #   haproxy-plan:
    #     source: /snap/maas-anvil/63/etc/deploy-haproxy
    #   postgresql-plan:
    #     source: /snap/maas-anvil/63/etc/deploy-postgresql


Questions related to TLS are duplicated between haproxy and maas-region. If you plan to use both maas-region and haproxy, write the configuration values in the haproxy section. If you do not plan to use haproxy, write the configuration values in the maas-region section.

As mentioned above, you can find a more detailed explanation of all available configuration options in the Configuration options section.

Once you have set up a manifest file to your liking, you can deploy it when you bootstrap your deployment as follows:

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil cluster bootstrap \
    --role database --role region --role agent --role haproxy \
    --manifest "$HOME/.config/anvil/manifest.yaml"

If you have already deployed a MAAS Anvil cluster and want to update some configuration after the fact you can also use the refresh command to update the cluster with a (new) manifest file.

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil refresh --manifest "$HOME/.config/anvil/manifest.yaml"
Inspecting manifest files

You can list all previously applied manifest files with the manifest list command. It shows you the database ID and the date it was applied to the deployment:

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil manifest list
┃ ID                               ┃ Applied Date        ┃
│ 0b7bbf2298c2a917dc29fb3d3268366b │ 2024-09-04 10:26:39 │
│ 8fc3764a7ed0036f76cf935eff4a8d75 │ 2024-09-04 10:56:28 │

If you want to inspect the contents of one of those manifest files you can show them with the manifest show command by providing the ID:

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil manifest show --id 0b7bbf2298c2a917dc29fb3d3268366b

Monitor an ongoing deployment

With MAAS Anvil

cluster list

The simplest way to monitor an ongoing MAAS Anvil deployment is with the build in cluster list command.

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil cluster list
┃ Node   ┃ Status ┃ Region ┃ Agent ┃ Database ┃ HAProxy ┃
│ infra1 │   up   │   x    │   x   │    x     │    x    │
│ infra2 │   up   │   x    │   x   │    x     │    x    │
│ infra3 │   up   │   x    │   x   │    x     │    x    │

If you suspect there is something wrong with your MAAS Anvil cluster you might also want to use the maas-anvil inspect command. It creates an introspection report of the current state of the cluster. You can read more about it in the CLI reference section.

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil inspect

With Juju

As MAAS Anvil uses Juju to deploy MAAS charms under the hood you can also use the juju status command to get more information about the status of an ongoing deployment. For example to monitor the juju status every 5 seconds you can run the following command on any node that is part of the MAAS Anvil cluster

ubuntu@infra{1,2,3}:~$ juju status --watch 5s

Clean up a MAAS Anvil deployment


The clean-up process for MAAS Anvil is not yet fully mature. Proceed with caution and at your own risk.

The most reliable way to clean up a MAAS Anvil deployment at the moment is to redeploy the node on which MAAS Anvil was used. However, if you need to clean up the node without redeploying, you can perform the following steps.

Removing joined nodes

To get started with cleaning up a MAAS Anvil cluster you need to remove the nodes from the cluster. This command needs to be run on the bootstrap node.

ubuntu@infra1:~$ maas-anvil remove --fqdn infra2.
Removed node infra2. from the cluster
Run command 'sudo /sbin/remove-juju-services' on node infra2. to reuse the machine.

This command will remove the node from the cluster and return commands you need to manually run on the removed node.

ubuntu@infra2:~$ sudo /sbin/remove-juju-services

Cleaning up the bootstrap node

Currently, there is no officially supported method to clean up the bootstrap node. Below are two temporary solutions you can consider until we develop a more comprehensive and officially supported cleanup process:

  1. Use the jhack nuke command. This tool can help remove Juju deployments more thoroughly. However, use it with caution and only after understanding its implications.
  2. Follow community-sourced cleanup methods. A user has shared their experience and method for cleaning up MAAS Anvil deployments. You can find more information and contribute to the discussion in this GitHub issue: #9 Uninstall and cleanup


Configuration options

This is a reference for the available configuration options and their effects. If you want to generally understand how to configure your MAAS deployment, read the section Configure your MAAS Anvil deployment.



You can configure Management networks shared by hosts (CIDRs, separated by comma). When deploying without a manifest this is automatically set for you.

Manifest example snippet

        # Management networks shared by hosts (CIDRs, separated by comma)
        management_cidr: ""
Max connections


The default value is max_connection: "default"

With this option you can configure the maximum number of concurrent connections to allow access to the database server.


default applies the default values of PostgreSQL to max_connections. The default is typically 100 connections, but might be less if your kernel settings will not support it (as determined during initdb).

If you are aiming for MAAS HA though you have to do one of the following:

Manually setting max_connections

If the number of MAAS region nodes is known beforehand, you can calculate the desired max_connections and set them, based on the formula: max_connections = max(100, 10 + 50 * number_of_region_nodes).


If the number of MAAS region nodes is not known, you can set max_connections to dynamic and let MAAS Anvil recalculate the appropriate PostgreSQL max_connections every time a region node is joining or leaving the Anvil cluster.


With this option set the database will restart with every modification of the MAAS Anvil cluster!

Manifest example snippet

        # Maximum number of concurrent connections to allow to the database server
        max_connections: "default"
HA proxy
Virtual IP (VIP)


The default value is virtual_ip: "", so disabled.

You can configure the VIP which should be used for the cluster in High availability (HA). The Keepalived charm will be installed to enable connecting to the MAAS Anvil HA cluster using the VIP. To enable VIP provide any valid IP, to disable it set an empty value.



The default values are tls_mode:"disabled", ssl_cert: "" and ssl_key: "".

To configure TLS for HAProxy, set tls_mode either to termination or passthrough and configure the path to the SSL certificate and the path to the private key for the SSL certificate. To disable it, set tls_mode to disabled and provide no SSL certificate or private key. If passthrough is selected, also provide ssl_cacert if you want to use a self-signed certificate.


The certificate and key must be accessible by the maas-anvil snap. Make sure these files are in a directory that can be accessed by maas-anvil, such as $HOME/.config/anvil.

Manifest example snippet

        # Virtual IP to use for the Cluster in HA
        virtual_ip: ""
        # The TLS mode
        tls_mode: "disabled"
        # Path to SSL Certificate for HAProxy (enter nothing to skip TLS)
        ssl_cert: ""
        # Path to private key for the SSL certificate (enter nothing to skip TLS)
        ssl_key: ""
        # Path to CA certificate, if you want to use a self-signed certificate when
        # in passthrough mode
        ssl_cacert: ""


If haproxy is not to be installed, TLS questions will be asked during the maas-region install step. In this case, termination is not a valid tls_mode.



The Juju section allows you to configure extra arguments which will be passed to the juju bootstrap (bootstrap_args) and juju enable-ha (scale_args) command. Learn more about bootstrap arguments and scale arguments in the Juju docs.

Manifest example snippet

    bootstrap_args: []
    scale_args: []

MAAS Anvil is using the following charms:

For each of those charms you manually set the

  • channel
  • revision
  • custom configuration

Check which configuration can be passed to a charm in their respective documentation.

Manifest example snippet

    channel: 3.4/edge
    revision: null
    config: null

You can configure the Terraform plans MAAS Anvil uses to, for example, change what the final relations of the cluster look like.

Manifest example snippet

        source: /snap/maas-anvil/63/etc/deploy-maas-region
        source: /snap/maas-anvil/63/etc/deploy-maas-agent
        source: /snap/maas-anvil/63/etc/deploy-haproxy
        source: /snap/maas-anvil/63/etc/deploy-postgresql

CLI interface

maas-anvil [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Usage: maas-anvil [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  MAAS Anvil is an installer that makes deploying MAAS charms in HA easy.

  To get started run the prepare-node-script command and bootstrap the first
  node. For more details read the docs at:

  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose
  -h, --help     Show this message and exit.

  Prepare, create and manage a cluster:
    prepare-node-script  Generates a script to prepare the node for use with
                         MAAS Anvil.
    cluster bootstrap    Bootstraps the first node to initialize a MAAS Anvil
    cluster add          Generates a token for a new node to join the cluster.
    cluster join         Joins the node to a cluster when given a join token.
    cluster remove       Removes a node from the MAAS Anvil cluster.

  Configure and update the cluster:
    manifest list        Lists manifest files that were used in the cluster.
    manifest show        Shows the contents of a manifest file given an id.
    manifest generate    Generates a manifest file.
    refresh              Updates all charms within their current channel.

  Debug the cluster:
    cluster list         Lists all nodes in the MAAS Anvil cluster.
    inspect              Inspects the cluster and reports any issues it finds.
    juju-login           Logs into the Juju controller used by MAAS Anvil.

maas-anvil cluster [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Creates and manages a MAAS Anvil cluster across connected nodes.

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  add        Generates a token for a new node to join the cluster.
  bootstrap  Bootstraps the first node to initialize a MAAS Anvil cluster.
  join       Joins the node to a cluster when given a join token.
  list       Lists all nodes in the MAAS Anvil cluster.
  refresh    Updates all charms within their current channel.
  remove     Removes a node from the MAAS Anvil cluster.

  Run the cluster bootstrap command to initialize the cluster with the first node.
  maas-anvil cluster bootstrap  \
  --role database --role region --role agent --role haproxy  \

  Once the cluster is bootstrapped you can join additional nodes by running
  'maas-anvil cluster add' on the local node and
  'maas-anvil cluster join' on the joining nodes.

maas-anvil cluster bootstrap [OPTIONS]

Usage: maas-anvil cluster bootstrap [OPTIONS]

  Bootstraps the first node to initialize a MAAS Anvil cluster.

  -a, --accept-defaults           Bootstraps the cluster with default
  -m, --manifest FILE             If provided, the cluster is bootstrapped
                                  with the configuration specified in the
                                  manifest file.
  --role [region|agent|database|haproxy]
                                  Specifies the roles for the bootstrap node.
                                  Defaults to the database role. Use multiple
                                  --role flags to assign more than one role.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

  Bootstrap a new cluster with all roles and default configurations on the first node.
  maas-anvil cluster bootstrap \
  --role database --role region --role agent --role haproxy \

maas-anvil cluster add [OPTIONS]

  Generates a token for a new node to join the cluster. Needs to be run on the
  node where the cluster was bootstrapped.

  --fqdn TEXT                     The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of
                                  the joining node.
  -f, --format [default|value|yaml]
                                  Output format of the join token.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

  Add an additional node to the cluster. Run this command on the bootstrap node.
  maas-anvil cluster add --fqdn infra2.

maas-anvil cluster join [OPTIONS]

  Joins the node to a cluster when given a join token. Needs to be run on the
  joining node.

  -a, --accept-defaults           Joins the cluster with default
  --token TEXT                    The join token generated on the bootstrap
                                  node with 'cluster add'.
  --role [region|agent|database|haproxy]
                                  Specifies the roles for the joining node.
                                  Use multiple --role flags to assign more
                                  than one role.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

  Join an additional node to the MAAS Anvil cluster. Run this command on the joining node
  and use the token previously created with 'maas-anvil cluster add' on the bootstrap node.
  maas-anvil cluster join  \
  --role database --role region --role agent --role haproxy  \
  --token $JOINTOKEN

maas-anvil cluster list [OPTIONS]

  Lists all nodes in the MAAS Anvil cluster. Can be run on any node that is
  connected to an active MAAS Anvil cluster.

  -f, --format [table|yaml]  Output format of the list.
  -h, --help                 Show this message and exit.

  Verify the status of the MAAS Anvil cluster.
  maas-anvil cluster list

maas-anvil cluster remove [OPTIONS]

  Removes a node from the MAAS Anvil cluster. Needs to be run on the bootstrap

  --fqdn TEXT  The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the leaving node.
  -h, --help   Show this message and exit.

  Remove a node from the cluster. Run this command on the bootstrap node.
  maas-anvil cluster remove --fqdn infra2.

maas-anvil inspect

  Inspects the cluster and reports any issues it finds. A tarball of logs and
  traces is created. You can attach this tarball to an issue filed in the MAAS
  Anvil Github repository.

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  Inspect the MAAS Anvil cluster.
  maas-anvil inspect

maas-anvil juju-login

  Logs into the Juju controller used by MAAS Anvil. The login is performed
  using the current host user.

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  Log into the Juju controller to manually interact with the Juju controller created
  by MAAS Anvil.
  maas-anvil juju-login

maas-anvil manifest [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Generates and manages manifest files. A manifest file is a declarative YAML
  file with which configurations for a MAAS Anvil cluster deployment can be
  set. The manifest commands are read only. A manifest can be applied with
  "cluster bootstrap" or "cluster refresh".

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  generate  Generates a manifest file.
  list      Lists manifest files that were used in the cluster.
  show      Shows the contents of a manifest file given an id.

  Generate a manifest file with (default) configuration to be saved in the default
  location of '$HOME/.config/anvil/manifest.yaml'
  maas-anvil manifest generate

maas-anvil manifest generate [OPTIONS]

  Generates a manifest file. Either with the configuration of the currently
  deployed MAAS Anvil cluster or, if no cluster was bootstrapped yet, a
  default configuration.

  -o, --output FILE  Output file for manifest, defaults to
  -h, --help         Show this message and exit.

  Generate a manifest file with (default) configuration to be saved in the default
  location of '$HOME/.config/anvil/manifest.yaml'
  maas-anvil manifest generate

maas-anvil manifest list [OPTIONS]

  Lists manifest files that were used in the cluster.

  -f, --format [table|yaml]  Output format of the list.
  -h, --help                 Show this message and exit.

  List previously used manifest files.
  maas-anvil manifest list

maas-anvil manifest show [OPTIONS]

  Shows the contents of a manifest file given an id. Get ids using the
  'manifest list' command. Use '--id=latest' to show the most recently
  committed manifest.

  --id TEXT   The database id of the manifest file.
  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  Show the contents of the most recently committed manifest file.
  maas-anvil manifest show --id=latest

maas-anvil prepare-node-script [OPTIONS]

  Generates a script to prepare the node for use with MAAS Anvil. This must be
  run on every node on which you want to use MAAS Anvil.

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  Prepare a node for usage with MAAS Anvil by generating the 'prepare-node-script' and
  running it immediately by piping it to bash.
  maas-anvil prepare-node-script | bash -x

maas-anvil refresh [OPTIONS]

  Updates all charms within their current channel. A manifest file can be
  passed to refresh the deployment with new configuration.

  -m, --manifest FILE    If provided, the cluster is refreshed with the
                         configuration specified in the manifest file.
  -u, --upgrade-release  Allows charm upgrades if the new manifest specifies
                         charms in channels with higher tracks than the
                         current one.
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.

  Refresh the MAAS Anvil cluster.
  maas-anvil refresh


A snap for managing charmed MAAS deployments.







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