📷 Social app for sharing photo, hopefully simple instagram clone 📷
Users who have an account can publish their photo, another user can follow other users to see their photo. Only follower can interact with user, comment and see photo.
- Authenticate and authorization
- CRUD for photo with caption
- 20 filter effect
- CRUD for comment
- Like and unlike
- Follow and unfollow
- Search username
1. npm install
2. npm start
1. npm install
2. npm run dev
You can try this at Photo
Demo account
username : coba
password : coba
username : follow
password : follow
already followed coba
. Only coba
has photo in its account. You can see feed example on Follow
Ps. I don't make sure that link always runs and please don't abuse database or CPU usage
All my work licensed with AGPL 3.0. All other work belongs to their owner with their license.
Ps. Sorry for using image and other work without permission. Please, don't sue me. I'll take it down if you want to.