“If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.”
It is often said that the secret to happiness is in giving to others. With our exceedingly busy lives, sparing time to volunteer can be difficult. What if helping out in a small way became seamlessly integrated into our daily life? With its growing ageing population, there were about 78.6 thousand single person elderly homes reported in 2022. This is a sizeable proportion of Singaporean society that faces the burden of taking care of themselves all alone.
For this, we present Dabao4you! Dabao4you is a progressive web app gives the elderly a platform where they can request help with fetching essentials such as groceries, food and/or over the counter medication. Volunteers on the app can select one of the available tasks that they can conveniently fulfill in their everyday lives which are filled with commute. This encourages engagement in communities through our in-app community leaderboard, badges and makes volunteering easy! The idea, is to spread joy as you go ✨
- Front-End Development: React JS, Bootstrap
- Back-End Development: Flask, SQLLite