DiceKeys PostMessage Api
This package contains the DiceKeys app's Application Programming Interface (API), for use by websites and browser-based via the browser's PostMessage interface.
Your app can use this API to ask the user to user their DiceKey to:
- Derive a password or secret from the user's DiceKey
- Derive a cryptographic key from the user's DiceKey
- Unseal (decrypt and authenticate) secrets encrypted with keys derived from the user's DiceKey
- Sign messages with a signing key derived from the user's DiceKey
import {
} from "@dicekeys/dicekeys-api-js"
// See https://dicekeys.github.io/seeded-crypto/recipe_format.html
const recipe = JSON.stringify(Recipe({
type: "Secret",
mutable: true,
wordLimit: 13,
allow: [{"host": document.location.host}]
// Call the API to request a password specific to this host
// derived from the user's DiceKey
const {password} = await getPassword({recipe});
In your .npmrc
> npm install @dicekeys/dicekeys-api-js