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Dotfiles for zsh, neovim, vscode, ghostty, kitty, karabiner, aerospace. Mostly MacOS specific. GNU Stow as farm manager.

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This repo contains my dotfiles plus a script to configure a new MacOS device.

1. Install

1.1 Install brew and packages:

Customize the packages in and the personal paths at the end of the file:


1.2 To complete Colima and Docker

To complete DOCKER-COMPOSE install with colima:

ln -sfn $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/docker-compose/bin/docker-compose ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose"

DOCKER BUILDX might still not work. Run the following, or in alternative, check online

mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins
ln -sfn $(which docker-buildx) ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx

To keep using the docker build install but with buildkit:"

docker buildx install

1.3 Install Nerd Font for terminal and neovim

2. Setup dotfiles

checkout the dotfiles in yout $HOME directory

git clone
cd dotfiles

then use GNU stow to create symlinks. For an explanation on this dotfiles management, see this video.

stow .

3. Setup nvim

3.1 Python

  • Install ruff on global python version (used by nvim and vscode, not sure):
    • pyenv global XXX
    • pip install ruff
  • set up pynvim (for nvim plugins):
    • pyenv virtualenv pynvim
    • pip install pynvim
    • pip install yamllint (for yaml linter in lint.nvim plugin)
    • (now the vim.g.python3_host_prog = "..." in the config works)

3.2 Inside nvim

  • open nvim to let it install plugins
  • :Mason to check lsp servers, install what you need

3.3 Check

  • You can check health with :checkhealth

4. Install VSCode extensions

Install VSCode, then:


5. Notes

The most configured apps are (in order):

  • zsh (.zshrc)
  • karabiner elements (.config/karabiner)
  • neovim (.config/nvim), which is customized from kickstart.vim settings
  • vscode settings


Dotfiles for zsh, neovim, vscode, ghostty, kitty, karabiner, aerospace. Mostly MacOS specific. GNU Stow as farm manager.



