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The contests endpoint and how you can use it

🥇 Contests

The Digitomize API allows users to get details about programming contests. This endpoint allows you to:

{% swagger method="get" path=" " baseUrl=" " summary="All Contests" fullWidth="false" expanded="true" %} {% swagger-description %} This endpoint allows you to get all the programming contests available in Digitomize {% endswagger-description %}

{% swagger-response status="200: OK" description="Successful Request" %} This is the response you will get when your request is successful.

{% endswagger-response %}

{% swagger-response status="500: Internal Server Error" description="Server Error" %}

// Response Body
    "error": string,
    "message": string

{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}

The response body has a total property and a results property which is an array of objects containing the contests. It will have the following format:

    "total" : integer,
    "results": [
            "host": string,
            "name": string,
            "vanity": string,
            "url": string,
            "startTimeUnix": timestamp,
            "duration": integer

{% swagger method="get" path=" " baseUrl="" summary="Specific host" expanded="true" %} {% swagger-description %} This API route allows you to get all the programming contests available in Digitomize by a specific host {% endswagger-description %}

{% swagger-parameter in="query" name="host" type="String" %} One of the available event hosts {% endswagger-parameter %}

{% swagger-response status="200: OK" description="Successful Request" %} This is the response you will get when your request is successful.

The response body will have the following format:

    "total" : integer,
    "results": [
            "host": string,
            "name": string,
            "vanity": string,
            "url": string,
            "startTimeUnix": timestamp,
            "duration": integer

{% endswagger-response %}

{% swagger-response status="500: Internal Server Error" description="Server Error" %}

// Response Body
    "error": string,
    "message": string

{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}

{% hint style="info" %} The available event hosts in Digitomize include:

  • geeksforgeeks
  • codechef
  • codeforces
  • atcoder
  • codingninjas
  • leetcode {% endhint %}

In this example, we will get programming contests by GeeksForGeeks.

The request URL is

You will get the following JSON object as a response.

    "total": 6,
    "results": [
            "host": "geeksforgeeks",
            "name": "Bi-Wizard School Coding Tournament 22.0",
            "vanity": "bi-wizard-school-coding-tournament-220",
            "url": "",
            "startTimeUnix": 1703593800,
            "duration": 90
            "host": "geeksforgeeks",
            "name": "GFG Weekly Coding Contest - 135",
            "vanity": "gfg-weekly-coding-contest-135",
            "url": "",
            "startTimeUnix": 1704029400,
            "duration": 90
            "host": "geeksforgeeks",
            "name": "GFG Weekly Coding Contest - 136",
            "vanity": "gfg-weekly-coding-contest-136",
            "url": "",
            "startTimeUnix": 1704634200,
            "duration": 90
            "host": "geeksforgeeks",
            "name": "GATE CS 2024 - All India Mock 2",
            "vanity": "all-india-mock-gate-csit-ii",
            "url": "",
            "startTimeUnix": 1705775400,
            "duration": 1440

{% swagger method="get" path=" " baseUrl="" summary="Multiple hosts" expanded="true" %} {% swagger-description %} This API route allows you to get all the programming contests available in Digitomize by multiple event hosts {% endswagger-description %}

{% swagger-parameter in="query" name="host" type="String" %} Two or more of the available event hosts {% endswagger-parameter %}

{% swagger-response status="200: OK" description="Successful Request" %} This is the response you will get when your request is successful.

The response body will have the following format:

    "total" : integer,
    "results": [
            "host": string,
            "name": string,
            "vanity": string,
            "url": string,
            "startTimeUnix": timestamp,
            "duration": integer

{% endswagger-response %}

{% swagger-response status="500: Internal Server Error" description="Server Error" %}

// Response Body
    "error": string,
    "message": string

{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}

{% hint style="info" %} The available event hosts in Digitomize include:

  • geeksforgeeks
  • codechef
  • codeforces
  • atcoder
  • codingninjas
  • leetcode {% endhint %}

In this example, you will get all the programming contests hosted by GeeksForGeeks and CodeChef.

The request URL will be,codechef

You will get the following JSON object as the response:

    "total": 12,
    "results": [
            "host": "geeksforgeeks",
            "name": "Bi-Wizard School Coding Tournament 22.0",
            "vanity": "bi-wizard-school-coding-tournament-220",
            "url": "",
            "startTimeUnix": 1703593800,
            "duration": 90
            "host": "codechef",
            "name": "Starters 114",
            "vanity": "start114",
            "url": "",
            "startTimeUnix": 1703687400,
            "duration": 120
            "host": "geeksforgeeks",
            "name": "GFG Weekly Coding Contest - 135",
            "vanity": "gfg-weekly-coding-contest-135",
            "url": "",
            "startTimeUnix": 1704029400,
            "duration": 90
            "host": "codechef",
            "name": "Starters 115",
            "vanity": "start115",
            "url": "",
            "startTimeUnix": 1704292200,
            "duration": 120

{% swagger method="get" baseUrl="" summary="Specific contest" expanded="true" path=" " %} {% swagger-description %} This API route allows you to get a specific programming contest based on the vanity string {% endswagger-description %}

{% swagger-parameter in="query" name="vanity" type="String" %} A unique string for an event {% endswagger-parameter %}

{% swagger-response status="200: OK" description="Successful Request" %} This is the response you will get when your request is successful.

The response body will have the following format:

    "total" : integer,
    "results": [
            "host": string,
            "name": string,
            "vanity": string,
            "url": string,
            "startTimeUnix": timestamp,
            "duration": integer

{% endswagger-response %}

{% swagger-response status="500: Internal Server Error" description="Server Error" %}

// Response Body
    "error": string,
    "message": string

{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}

In this example, you will get details about a weekend contest on GeeksForGeeks.

The request URL will be

You will get the following JSON object as a response:

    "total": 1,
    "results": [
            "host": "codingninjas",
            "name": "Weekend Contest 106",
            "vanity": "weekend-contest-106",
            "url": "",
            "startTimeUnix": 1703941200,
            "duration": 90

Feel free to use this API. If you have any issues, you can raise it in our Discord channel.