Solana-wallet Public
A simple solana wallet built with MongoDB, Google Cloud, Coingecko and Quicknode
TypeScript UpdatedFeb 16, 2025 -
Golang-Post-Api Public
A RESTful API built using Golang, Fiber, MongoDB Driver, MongoDB, and Reflex.
Simple-social-network-API Public
A simple social app API built with Typescript, Express, Redis and PostgreSQL
Typescript-Auth-API Public
A simple Auth API built with Typescript, Fastify, PostgreSQL and Redis
Typescript-Referral-System Public
A referral API built with Typescript, Fastify and PostgreSQL
TypeScript UpdatedJun 22, 2023 -
NodeJS-Express-Starter Public template
Built with Node JS, Redis, MongoDB, AdminBro. This is a very basic Boilerplate for anyone who wants to develop a Node JS Web API.
Loan-App-API Public
A credit app built with NodeJS, KnexJS and MySQL
Flutterwave-node-v3 Public
Forked from Olufemiobafunmiso/Flutterwave-node-v3Official NodeJS Library for Flutterwave v3 APIs
Ecommerce-website Public
Built with Django, Flutterwave and SQLite. This is An online store with online payment and webhook feauture built with Django
Typescript-CRUD-App Public
Learning how to use crud operations with express JS and TypeORM in typescript
typescript-typeorm Public
Learning how to use typeorm for mysql database in typescript
Thrift-contribution Public
A monthly thrift contribution API I built within 24 hours.
ExpressJS-Referral-System Public
An ExpressJS Referral WebApp which has all referral website functionality. This could serve as the base for your next Express JS referral website
NodeJS-Socket.IO Public
A simple NodeJS web app which uses socket.io for real time communication
HTML UpdatedJan 24, 2022 -
Ranode Public
A simple E-wallet which allows users to deposit and transfer money from and to Nigeria banks
Email-Collector Public
A simple Express JS webapp which has the basic CRUD functionality and User Management system(Login and Signup) of Express JS. You can make pull request
Book-Store-API Public
Built with DjangoRestFramework and SQLite. All you need to understand CRUD and MVP in DRF with Online Payment
My-Node_JS-Process Public
My NodeJS Learning Process. Few topics are in other branches
This is a beginner's guide to using Django RestAPI with swagger. A simple Django CRUD API which uses Swagger as its documentation tool
Blog-Django-API Public
A simple django blog which has profile and blog(obviously) feauture. More will be added to this overtime
public-apis Public
Forked from public-apis/public-apisA collective list of free APIs
linkbum Public
Forked from Simeon2001/linkbumwebapp that put all your social media links and other link into one place to share with friends and family
404-Page Public
I pretty much created this page just to have a more 'user-friendly' 404 error page with the image there telling a more compelling story of how things have gone wrong and how we're working hard to f…
awesome-cto Public
Forked from theifedayo/awesome-ctoA curated and opinionated list of resources for Chief Technology Officers, with the emphasis on startups
django-rest-framework Public
Forked from encode/django-rest-frameworkWeb APIs for Django. 🎸
Python Other UpdatedOct 15, 2021