- The database can be created with the toddle.sql file in mysql
- The db-config folder contains all the information to connect with mysql database.
- The username password or port can be changed from the db-config.js file.
- Link for the postman Collection : https://www.postman.com/dishanttayade1/workspace/dishant-s-assignments/collection/16019414-c91307dd-e1bd-49f1-99c8-38f232fe7544?action=share&creator=16019414
- Link for the postman Documentation : https://www.postman.com/dishanttayade1/workspace/dishant-s-assignments/documentation/16019414-c91307dd-e1bd-49f1-99c8-38f232fe7544
- sudo mysql
- mysql> source toddle.sql
- npm install
- npm start
- 5000 port must be not in use.