- Bangalore
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Standard and Advanced Demos for learn.cantrill.io courses
🟣 Git interview questions and answers to help you prepare for your next technical interview in 2024.
Devops Tutorial for Beginners - Learn Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible, Jenkins and Azure Devops
A deliberately vulnerable CI/CD environment. Learn CI/CD security through multiple challenges.
Examples collected for Jenkins files from www
Executable examples of Jenkinsfiles.
Complete source code for tutorial on how to deploy Django to Kubernetes on AWS (EKS, RDS, EFS)
Tutorial code for how to deploy Django using Minikube.
Django demo app that supports static/media files and Django admin.
akannan1087 / PythonWebApp-1
Forked from RussMaxwell/PythonWebAppVery basic Python Web Application for testing purposes
Sample cloud-first application with 10 microservices showcasing Kubernetes, Istio, and gRPC.
kodekloudhub / ansible-runner
Forked from ansible/ansible-runnerA tool and python library that helps when interfacing with Ansible directly or as part of another system whether that be through a container image interface, as a standalone tool, or as a Python mo…
A sample web application to demonstrate ingress in the course.
Notes from Shell Scripting for Beginners course
Notes from the Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist Course on KodeKloud
Certified Kubernetes Administrator - CKA Course
Cloud native networking and network security