A theme for Anbernic Rg35xx H & family Simply drag and drop to your "Roms" folder and merge the content. Navigate to Apps and look for "Theme - Absolute Black" Your new theme will instal with a useful RA shortcut screen on loading, cool gamboi logo at startup etc...
Theme Preview:
RA shotcuts loadscreen:
Boot screen:
Install Stock Mod from here: https://github.com/cbepx-me/Anbernic-H700-RG-xx-StockOS-Modification If you are on Mac, use balena etcher and follow these steps: cbepx-me/Anbernic-H700-RG-xx-StockOS-Modification#68 Pretty easy and straightforward: Before flashing, take note of the drive letter (mine is dev/disk2 so i will use disk2 in my example. When Balena Etcher is done flashing & verifying, Open your terminal and enter these:
sudo gdisk /dev/disk2
Press enter and it will ask for your mac user password Then enter the commands:
p to view the partition table. It should look similar to the one in the screenshot below
x for expert mode
e for relocating the backup data structure to the end of the disk
w to write the changed data
y to confirm you want to write
After that you can eject the disk and continue on the device.
Interested in Syncthing? Read more from here: https://github.com/djaysan/RG35xxH-Stock-Mod-Os-SSH-Syncthing