Insufficient reasoning for their predictions has for long been a major drawback of neural networks and has proved to be a major obstacle for their adoption by several fields of application. This paper presents a framework for discriminative localization, which helps shed some light into the decision-making of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Our framework generates robust, refined and high-quality Class Activation Maps, without impacting the CNN’s performance.
Presented at ICIP 2019:
First add the your default parameters to utils.opts
. These include the location of the directory storing your training/test images (data_dir
), the size of the images (im_size
), the location of the weights (weight_dir
), etc.
from utils.io_utils import *
from utils import plotting
import postprocessing
from cams import FullModel
# The read_image can load images along with their labels
x, y = read_image() # read a random image
# The FullModel can make predictions and generate low and high-res CAMs
fm = FullModel()
high, low, preds = fm.generate_cams(x) # generate the cams and preds for x
# Apply the postprocessing pipeline to generate a refined CAM
steps = postprocessing.pipeline(x, low, high)
steps['merged'] # the refined CAM
# Draw the whole pipeline
plotting.pipeline(x, low, high)
- python 3
- numpy
- scipy
- skimage (required for postprocessing filters)
- tensorflow (if you want to train a model, tensorflow-gpu is recommended)
- keras (all models are keras instances)
- imgaug (used for data augmentation)
- tqdm (only required for
) - SimpleITK (required for
segmentation) - matplotlib (only required for plotting the postprocessing pipeline)
- seaborn (same as matplotlib)
The HalfModel is a simple CNN for classification, with a single Fully Connected (FC) layer and a Global Average Pooling (GAP) layer after its final convolutional layer. This architecture was proposed by Zhou et al..
The dimensions shown in the figure represent those of the proposed DenseNet-based HalfModel. M is the number of classes.
To generate the (resized) low-res CAMs, one must follow the methodology illustrated in the figure below:
The image is passed through the network and the activations of the final convolution layer are extracted and resized to the original dimensions. Meanwhile the weight matrix from the final FC layer is sliced in order to keep the weights for the desired class. For example, if we want the CAM for class c, we'll slice the respective column (see figure below).
The (resized) activations from the final convolution layer along with the slice of the weight matrix are multiplied to produce the low-res CAM. It is called a low-res CAM because before the resize, the CAM has dimensions of 14x14.
The proposed FullModel is depicted in the figure below:
The FullModel consists of two parts, the localization network (in black and blue) and the expansion network (in orange). The first is responsible for making predictions and generating low-res CAMs, while the second produces the high-res CAMs. The procedure for producing the high-res CAMs is similar to the one for their lower resolution counterparts. The only difference is that instead of the output of the final convolution of the localization network (which has dimensions of 14x14), we'll use the output of the convolution of the expansion network, which is upscaled to 224x224.
If you want to run a single experiment (use one dataset), go to utils.opts
and change the default values to meet your specifications. More importantly change the default value of data_dir
, so that you don't have to specify it every time.
Due to the large size of the dataset, we didn't upload it to the repo, however you can create it by following these instructions:
- Download the ILSVRC 2012 dataset.
- Keep only the subset of classes concerning animals. These should be 398 classes which you can find in the animal_synsets.txt file.
- The images should amount to a total of 510530 images.
You can use your own dataset, just keep in mind that you need have enough in order tor the model to be trained.
How much is enough? I'd say somewhere in the tens of thousands, but I can't be sure.
During this step the images should be:
- Resized to the same resolution (we used 224 Ă— 224).
- Normalized to [0, 1].
- Split into a training and a test set. We used 396416 images for training and 114114 for test).
In order to work as intended you should have two main directories for the training and test images respectively. Each should have the images organized in classes. You should have a directory for each class that contains the images of that class. For example if you have 5 classes, each of the train and test directories should have 5 sub-directories (one for each class), containing the train/test images of that class.
The data needs to be structured using the following scheme:
| |
| |_____n01440764
| | |__n01440764_5861.JPEG
| | |__n01440764_9973.JPEG
| | ...
| |_____n02326432
| | |__n02326432_38335.JPEG
| | |__n02326432_9314.JPEG
| | ...
| ...
| ...
| |
| |_____n01440764
| | |__n01440764_5103.JPEG
| | |__n01440764_9567.JPEG
| | ...
| |_____n02326432
| | |__n02326432_17608.JPEG
| | |__n02326432_9173.JPEG
| | ...
| ...
| ...
This scheme is selected so that the data can be read by keras' ImageDataGenerator.
In this step we'll train the classification model (which produces the low-res CAMs). This is referred to as the half model.
The script you'll need to run is pretrain_densenet_fcn.py
The default parameters are:
batch_size=16 # batch size
epochs=50 # number of epochs
im_size=224 # desired dimension of the input image
channels=3 # number of channels (3 for rgb, 1 for grayscale)
num_classes=398 # number of classes in the dataset
weight_dir=None # directory where the weights are stored
gpu='0' # which gpu to use (only relevant for multi-gpu systems)
Two parameters that will need to be specified are:
data_dir # location where we can find the data_dir (see 1.3. for what the data_dir should look like)
results_name # name of the directory that will store the results. can include subdirs (which will be created if they don't exist)
half_weight_dir # if we want to continue the training of the model, specify the location of the weights
For example:
python pretrain_densenet_fcn.py --data_dir /path/to/data_dir --results_name half/experiment1/run3 --batch_size 32 --epochs 100
This would start training the DenseNet with a batch size of 32, for 100 epochs. The training images should be under /path/to/data_dir/train/
, the weights will be stored under results/half/experiment1/run3/
and the logs under logs/half/experiment1/run3
If you want to evaluate the performance of the half model, you'll need to run https://github.com/djib2011/high-res-mapping/blob/master/classification_eval.py
Two parameters need to be specified:
data_dir # location where we can find the data_dir (see 1.3. for what the data_dir should look like)
half_weight_dir # the path to the weights we want to use
type # the type of the model: half/full. In this case it needs to be set to half
python classification_eval.py --data_dir path/to/data_dir --type half --half_weight_dir /path/to/half/weights.h5
The script will print the accuracy of the model as well as the macro and micro averages of its precision, recall and f1 scores. If you want other custom metrics (e.g. top-5 accuracy), you'll have to chance this script.
Note: the evaluation will be performed on the test set images.
As mentioned previously, the half model is simply a classification model that can produce low-res CAMs. The scores will show how potent it is for classification. If the results are not satisfactory, this means that either that the problem is very difficult (e.g. very few images, images are hard to classify) or that the model hasn't been trained properly (e.g. few epochs, wrong weights).
If this is the case, there is a good chance that neither the CAMs will be able to pick up on any meaningful features.
How can I use the trained half model?
First, you have to import its wrapper class (which makes it easier to use) and then instantiate it. You'll need to pass the location of the weights file during instantiation.
from cams import HalfModel
hm = HalfModel(weights='path/to/half_weights_dir/best_weights.h5')
What can I do with the HalfModel
You can do two main things: make a prediction and draw a low-res CAM. Given an input image x
with a shape of (1, height, width, channels)
# Precictions. Will return the class' index:
pred = hm.predict(x) # make a prediction for image x
preds = hm.predictN(x, n=3) # make the top-3 predictions for image x
# Low-res CAMs. Shape will be (height/14, width/14):
prediction_cam = hm.cam(x) # generate the low-res CAM for the predicted class
custom_cam = hm.cam(x, custom_class=13) # generate the low-res CAM for class 13
Now, it's time to train the FCN model which is capable of classification, low and high-res mapping. This is referred to as the full model.
The main script you'll need to run is train_densenet_fcn.py
. Most options are the same, with the exception of:
half_weight_dir # specify the location of the weights of the pre-trained *half* model.
which is now mandatory.
For example:
python train_densenet_fcn.py --data_dir /path/to/data_dir --results_name full/experiment1/run3 --half_weight_dir results/half/experiment1/run3/best_weights.h5 --batch_size 32 --epochs 100
This will train the full model with images from /path/to/data_dir/train/
and weights initialized from results/half/experiment1/run3/best_weights.h5
. After training the full model with the above options, the weights will be stored under results/full/experiment1/run3
, while the logs will be stored in logs/full/experiment1/run3
If you want to evaluate the performance of the full model for the classification task, you'll need to run https://github.com/djib2011/high-res-mapping/blob/master/classification_eval.py
Again, two parameters need to be specifeid:
data_dir # location where we can find the data_dir (see 1.3. for what the data_dir should look like)
weight_dir # the path to the weights we want to use
type # the type of the model: half/full. In this case it needs to be set to full
python classification_eval.py --data_dir path/to/data_dir --type full --weight_dir /path/to/full/weights.h5
The script will print the accuracy of the model as well as the macro and micro averages of its precision, recall and f1 scores. If you want other custom metrics (e.g. top-5 accuracy), you'll have to chance this script.
Note: the evaluation will be performed on the test set images.
The scores here should be identical to the ones achieved during step 2.2. If not, this means that the full model's weights were not properly initialized from the pre-trained half model's weights.
If this is the case, steps 3.1 and 3.2. should be repeated. Be careful on entering the proper weights after the half_weight_dir
parameter. You can debug this through utils.train.check_weights()
(see 5.2.).
How can I use the trained full model?
Again, you have to import the wrapper class and instantiate it. The location of the weights file needs to be passed as a parameter.
from cams import FullModel
fm = FullModel(weights='path/to/weights_dir/best_weights.h5')
What can I do with the FullModel
You can do three main things: make predictions and draw both low and high-res CAMs. Given an input image x
with a shape of (1, height, width, channels)
# Predictions. Will return the class' index:
pred = fm.predict(x)
# Generate low-res CAMs. The shape of the low-res CAMs will be (height/14, width/14):
low_cam = fm.low_res_cam(x) # low-res CAM for predicted class
low_cam = fm.low_res_cam(x, custom_class=13) # low-res CAM for class 13
# Generate high-res CAMs. The shape of the high-res CAMs will be (height, width):
high_cam = fm.high_res_cam(x) # high-res CAM for predicted class
high_cam = fm.high_res_cam(x, custom_class=13) # high-res CAM for class 13
In order to apply the proposed post-processing pipeline that combines both high and low-res CAMs in order to produce the refined CAMs, you have to use the postprocessing.py
script. This will return in detail the outputs of each of the steps in the postprocessing pipeline.
Assuming an input image x
with a shape of (1, height, width, channels)
, a low-res CAM low_res_cam
and a high-res CAM high_res_cam
from postprocessing import pipeline
steps = pipeline(x, low_res_cam, high_res_cam)
steps['blurred'] # the blurred high-res CAM
steps['low'] # the original low-res CAM
steps['low_resized'] # the resized low-res CAM (through bilinear interpolation)
steps['edges'] # the result of the sobel filter on the blurred high-res map
steps['roi'] # the Region Of Interest extracted from the low-res map
steps['bounds'] # the lower and upper bounds for the region-growing segmentation
steps['focal_points'] # the focal_points extracted from the low-res map
steps['segmented'] # the output of the region-growing segmentation
steps['full_segment'] # the filled segmentation
steps['merged'] # the merger of the segmentation with the low-res map, i.e. the refined CAM
steps['result'] # the part of the original image that has been cropped according to the regined CAM
If we just care about the refined CAM we can just use steps['merged']
Postprocessing pipeline parameters:
roi_percentile=85 # the percentile above which the ROI will be estimated. roi_percentile=85 means that the 15% highest
# intensity pixels of the low-res map will constitute the ROI (int in (0, 100)).
focal_scope='global' # the scope in which the focal points will be identified. 'global' looks for global maxima,
# while 'local' looks for local maxima. Accepted values: ['global', 'local']
maxima_areas='small' # can either be 'large' or 'small', depending on whether or not we want larger or smaller areas.
# Only relevant for 'local' scopes. Accepted values: ['global', 'local']
merge_type='blend' # selection on whether to multiply or blend the high with the low-res CAMs after processing.
# Accepted values: ['blend', 'merge']
merge_alpha=0.5 # parameter for the blend merge method. Higher values result in more influence from the high-res map.
# Should be a float in [0, 1].
filter_type='percentage' # selects how to crop the original image according to the refined CAM. Two options are available:
# - 'percentage', which keeps a percentage of the highest-instensity values of the refined CAM
# - 'threshold', which keeps the intensities above a certain threshold
filter_percentage=15 # a float representing the percentage of pixels to be kept (should be in [0, 1]).
# Only relevant when filter_type='percentage'
filter_threshold=0.6 # a float in [0, 1] over which the intensities of the refined CAM will be kept.
# Only relevant when filter_type='threshold'
You can visualize the whole pipeline procedure through utils.plotting.py
Assuming an input image x
with a shape of (1, height, width, channels)
, a low-res CAM low_res_cam
and a high-res CAM high_res_cam
from utils.plotting import pipeline
pipeline(x, low_res_cam, high_res_cam)
This will create a figure visualizing how both maps are combined, step-by-step, to create the refined CAM.
Parameters are the same as in 4.1.
Useful utils for data input. You need to first specify a data_dir
from io_utils import *
# Info:
test_images # a list of the paths for the images in the test_dir
num_images # number of images in the test_dir
num_classes # number of classes
# Reading images:
x, y = read_image() # loads a random image from the test set, along with its label's index
x, y = read_image(13) # loads image with index 13 from the test set, along with its label's index
x, y = read_image(13, return_class_name=True) # same as before,
# returns the label's name (only works for animals dataset)
# AnimalsMapper class (it is already instantiated):
mapper.name(5) # will return the name for the class with an index of 5
mapper.index('stingray') # will return the index for the class with a name of 'stingray'
If you haven't set a default data_dir
from utils.opts
# First define useful paths:
from utils.opts import opt
from pathlib import Path
opt.data_dir = '/path/to/data_dir'
test_dir = str(Path(opt.data_dir) / 'test')
# Then instantiate the AnimalsMapper class:
from utils.io_utils import AnimalsMapper
synset_path = '/path/to/synset_words.txt'
mapper = AnimalsMapper(synset_path, test_dir=test_dir)
# Finally import read_image:
from utils.io_utils import read_image
Given a keras model
and the batch_size
we want to use:
from utils.debug import get_model_memory_usage
print(get_model_memory_usage(model, batch_size))
Will return the required memory to train the model
with the given batch_size
in GB.
Given two keras models model1
and model2
from utils.debug import check_weights
check_weights(model1, model2)
Will compare the weights between model1
and model2
to see up to which point they are equal. Useful for checking if the half model's weights were properly transferred to the full model.