In order to evolve, we will need to break a few things. But nothing that a find/replace cannot fix :-)
The follow bases changed their names:
fxdir -> fxdn
zidx -> z
oln -> oe
brdr -> br (and all the classes that used brdr)
sty -> st (and all the classes that used sty)
bgrpt -> bgrt
ovf -> of
tbllyt -> tbllt (lyt -> lt)
vertan > vlan (vert -> vl)
dir -> dn
txttr -> txttm (tr -> tm)
txtdecor -> txtdec (decor -> dec)
ltrsp -> lrsp (ltr -> lr)
wtsp -> whsp (wt -> wh)
ftwgt -> ftwt
ftsty -> ftst
The follow modifiers changed their names:
brdrbx -> brbx
in -> ie
wt1 -> wh1
Added basic transitions classes.
tnprop = transition-property
tndur = transition-duration
tntgfn = transition-timing-function
tndy = transition-delay