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Adding new endpoints for the tiler to adapt the image size based on t…
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…he zoom level. Fixing the building functionality.
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Costantinos committed Jun 8, 2018
1 parent 74b98f8 commit bbc5a7b
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Showing 32 changed files with 802 additions and 173 deletions.
14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions server/anyplace_tiler/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -136,7 +136,10 @@ def convertPaddedImage( filename, newW, newH, outputName ):

def resizeImage( srcImage, zoomOriginal, zoomCurrent, destImage ):
resRatio = 50#100.0 / (2 ** (zoomOriginal-zoomCurrent) )
resRatio = 100.0 / (2 ** (zoomOriginal-zoomCurrent) )
dim = subprocess.Popen(["convert", srcImage, "-resize", ('%d%%'%(resRatio)), destImage ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,7 +177,7 @@ def fixTileStructure( fixTileStructureScript, ImageFileName ):
def main( argv ):
print( argv )

if(7 != len(sys.argv)):
if(8 != len(sys.argv)):

Expand All @@ -184,6 +187,7 @@ def main( argv ):
OriginalZoom = int(sys.argv[4])
ToZoom = int(sys.argv[5])
ImageFileName = sys.argv[6]
UploadZoom = int(sys.argv[7])
ImageDirName = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(ImageFileName))

fixTileStructureScript = str(ScriptsDir + '/')
Expand All @@ -195,13 +199,13 @@ def main( argv ):

# we will run the procedure for every zoom level in range [OriginalZoom..ToZoom]
for currentZoom in range( OriginalZoom, (ToZoom-1), -1 ):

# call the command to resize the image according to the zoom level
if( currentZoom == OriginalZoom ):
if( currentZoom == UploadZoom ):
newName=(('%s-z%d.png') % (CURRENT_ZOOM_IMAGE_NAME, currentZoom))
resizeImage(currentImage, OriginalZoom, currentZoom, newName)
resizeImage(currentImage, UploadZoom, currentZoom, newName)
currentImage = newName

# get the Image top left world coords
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions server/anyplace_tiler/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ check_requirements(){

##################### MAIN

[[ "$#" != "4" ]] && usage
[[ "$#" != "5" ]] && usage

[[ "$4" != "-ENLOG" && "$4" != "-DISLOG" ]] && usage

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,16 +96,17 @@ echo "Image: $imagePath"


echo ":: Starting anyplace-tiler ..."

python "$anyTiler" "$scriptsDir" "$ImageLatitude" "$ImageLongitude" "$ZoomOriginal" "$ZoomDestination" "$ImageFileName"
python "$anyTiler" "$scriptsDir" "$ImageLatitude" "$ImageLongitude" "$ZoomOriginal" "$ZoomDestination" "$ImageFileName" "$UploadZoom"

Expand Down
78 changes: 71 additions & 7 deletions server/app/controllers/AnyplaceMapping.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2419,11 +2419,6 @@ object AnyplaceMapping extends play.api.mvc.Controller {

def serveFloorPlanTilesStatic(buid: String, floor_number: String, path: String) = Action {
def inner(): Result = {"AnyplaceMapping::serveFloorPlanTilesStatic(): " + buid +
":" +
floor_number +
":" +
if (path == null || buid == null || floor_number == null ||
path.trim().isEmpty ||
buid.trim().isEmpty ||
Expand All @@ -2432,10 +2427,10 @@ object AnyplaceMapping extends play.api.mvc.Controller {
filePath = if (path == AnyPlaceTilerHelper.FLOOR_TILES_ZIP_NAME) AnyPlaceTilerHelper.getFloorTilesZipFor(buid,
floor_number) else AnyPlaceTilerHelper.getFloorTilesDirFor(buid, floor_number) +
path"static requested: " + filePath)
try {
val file = new File(filePath)
if (!file.exists() || !file.canRead()) return AnyResponseHelper.not_found("File requested not found")
//send ok message to tiler
if (!file.exists() || !file.canRead()) return AnyResponseHelper.ok("File requested not found")
} catch {
case e: FileNotFoundException => return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Could not read floor plan.")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2627,6 +2622,75 @@ object AnyplaceMapping extends play.api.mvc.Controller {

def floorPlanUploadWithZoom() = Action {
implicit request =>

def inner(request: Request[AnyContent]): Result = {
val anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request)
val body = anyReq.getMultipartFormData()
if (body == null) return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Invalid request type - Not Multipart!")
var floorplan = body.file("floorplan").get
if (floorplan == null) return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Cannot find the floor plan file in your request!")
val urlenc = body.asFormUrlEncoded
val json_str = urlenc.get("json").get(0)
if (json_str == null) return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Cannot find json in the request!")
var json: JsonObject = null
try {
json = JsonObject.fromJson(json_str)
} catch {
case e: IOException => return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Cannot parse json in the request!")
}"Floorplan Request[json]: " + json.toString)"Floorplan Request[floorplan]: " + floorplan.filename)
val requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid", "floor_number", "bottom_left_lat",
"bottom_left_lng", "top_right_lat", "top_right_lng","zoom")
if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty) return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing)
val buid = json.getString("buid")
val zoom = json.getString("zoom")
val zoom_number = json.getString("zoom").toInt
if (zoom_number<20)
return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("You have provided zoom level "+zoom+". You have to zoom at least to level 20 to upload the floorplan.")

val floor_number = json.getString("floor_number")
val bottom_left_lat = json.getString("bottom_left_lat")
val bottom_left_lng = json.getString("bottom_left_lng")
val top_right_lat = json.getString("top_right_lat")
val top_right_lng = json.getString("top_right_lng")
val fuid = Floor.getId(buid, floor_number)
try {
val stored_floor = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource.getFromKeyAsJson(fuid)
if (stored_floor == null) return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Floor does not exist or could not be retrieved!")
stored_floor.put("zoom", zoom)
stored_floor.put("bottom_left_lat", bottom_left_lat)
stored_floor.put("bottom_left_lng", bottom_left_lng)
stored_floor.put("top_right_lat", top_right_lat)
stored_floor.put("top_right_lng", top_right_lng)
if (!ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource.replaceJsonDocument(fuid, 0, stored_floor.toString))
return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Floor plan could not be updated in the database!")
} catch {
case e: DatasourceException => return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Error while reading from our backend service!")
var floor_file: File = null
try {
floor_file = AnyPlaceTilerHelper.storeFloorPlanToServer(buid, floor_number, floorplan.ref.file)
} catch {
case e: AnyPlaceException => return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Cannot save floor plan on the server!")
val top_left_lat = top_right_lat
val top_left_lng = bottom_left_lng
try {
AnyPlaceTilerHelper.tileImageWithZoom(floor_file, top_left_lat, top_left_lng,zoom)
} catch {
case e: AnyPlaceException => return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Could not create floor plan tiles on the server!")
}"Successfully tiled [" + floor_file.toString + "]")
return AnyResponseHelper.ok("Successfully updated floor plan!")


def addAccount() = Action {
implicit request =>

Expand Down
127 changes: 126 additions & 1 deletion server/app/controllers/AnyplacePosition.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -326,6 +326,131 @@ object AnyplacePosition extends play.api.mvc.Controller {

* Returns a link to the radio map that needs to be downloaded according to the specified buid and floor
* @return a link to the radio_map file
def radioDownloadByBuildingFloorall() = Action {
implicit request =>
def inner(request: Request[AnyContent]): Result = {

val anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request)
if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) {
return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON)
val json = anyReq.getJsonBody"AnyplacePosition::radioDownloadFloor(): " + json.toString)
val requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "floor", "buid")
if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty) {
return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing)
val floor_numbers = (json \ "floor").as[String]
val buid = (json \ "buid").as[String]

val floors = floor_numbers.split(" ")

val radiomap_mean_filename = JsonArray.empty()

val rss_log_files = JsonArray.empty()

for (floor_number <- floors) {
val rmapDir = new File("radiomaps_frozen" + AnyplaceServerAPI.URL_SEPARATOR + buid + AnyplaceServerAPI.URL_SEPARATOR +
val radiomapFile = new File("radiomaps_frozen" + AnyplaceServerAPI.URL_SEPARATOR + buid + AnyplaceServerAPI.URL_SEPARATOR +
floor_number +
val meanFile = new File("radiomaps_frozen" + AnyplaceServerAPI.URL_SEPARATOR + buid + AnyplaceServerAPI.URL_SEPARATOR +
floor_number +
if (rmapDir.exists() && radiomapFile.exists() && meanFile.exists()) {
try {
val folder = rmapDir.toString
val radiomap_filename = new File(folder + AnyplaceServerAPI.URL_SEPARATOR + "indoor-radiomap.txt")
var radiomap_mean_filename = radiomap_filename.replace(".txt", "-mean.txt")
var radiomap_rbf_weights_filename = radiomap_filename.replace(".txt", "-weights.txt")
var radiomap_parameters_filename = radiomap_filename.replace(".txt", "-parameters.txt")
val api = AnyplaceServerAPI.SERVER_API_ROOT
var pos = radiomap_mean_filename.indexOf("radiomaps_frozen")
radiomap_mean_filename = api + radiomap_mean_filename.substring(pos)
pos = radiomap_rbf_weights_filename.indexOf("radiomaps_frozen")
radiomap_rbf_weights_filename = api + radiomap_rbf_weights_filename.substring(pos)
pos = radiomap_parameters_filename.indexOf("radiomaps_frozen")
radiomap_parameters_filename = api + radiomap_parameters_filename.substring(pos)
} catch {
case e: Exception => return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Error serving radiomap : " + e.getMessage)
if (!rmapDir.exists())
if (!rmapDir.mkdirs()) {
return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Error while creating Radio Map on-the-fly!")
val radio = new File(rmapDir.getAbsolutePath + AnyplaceServerAPI.URL_SEPARATOR + "rss-log")
var fout: FileOutputStream = null
try {
fout = new FileOutputStream(radio)
} catch {
case e: FileNotFoundException => return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Cannot create radio map due to Server FileIO error!")
var floorFetched: Long = 0l
try {
floorFetched = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource.dumpRssLogEntriesByBuildingFloor(fout, buid, floor_number)
try {
} catch {
case e: IOException => LPLogger.error("Error while closing the file output stream for the dumped rss logs")
} catch {
case e: DatasourceException => return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage + "]")
if (floorFetched != 0) {

try {
val folder = rmapDir.toString
val radiomap_filename = new File(folder + AnyplaceServerAPI.URL_SEPARATOR + "indoor-radiomap.txt")
var radiomap_mean_filename = radiomap_filename.replace(".txt", "-mean.txt")
var radiomap_rbf_weights_filename = radiomap_filename.replace(".txt", "-weights.txt")
var radiomap_parameters_filename = radiomap_filename.replace(".txt", "-parameters.txt")
val rm = new RadioMap(new File(folder), radiomap_filename, "", -110)
if (!rm.createRadioMap()) {
return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Error while creating Radio Map on-the-fly!")
val api = AnyplaceServerAPI.SERVER_API_ROOT
var pos = radiomap_mean_filename.indexOf("radiomaps_frozen")
radiomap_mean_filename = api + radiomap_mean_filename.substring(pos)
pos = radiomap_rbf_weights_filename.indexOf("radiomaps_frozen")
radiomap_rbf_weights_filename = api + radiomap_rbf_weights_filename.substring(pos)
pos = radiomap_parameters_filename.indexOf("radiomaps_frozen")
radiomap_parameters_filename = api + radiomap_parameters_filename.substring(pos)
} catch {
case e: Exception => return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Error while creating Radio Map on-the-fly! : " + e.getMessage)

val source = + AnyplaceServerAPI.URL_SEPARATOR + "indoor-radiomap.txt")
val lines = try source.mkString finally source.close()
else {
// everything is ok
val res = JsonObject.empty()
res.put("map_url_mean", radiomap_mean_filename)
res.put("rss_log_files", rss_log_files)
return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully served radio map.")


private def storeRadioMapToDB(infile: File): String = {
var line: String = null
var fr: FileReader = null
Expand All @@ -335,7 +460,7 @@ object AnyplacePosition extends play.api.mvc.Controller {
fr = new FileReader(infile)
bf = new BufferedReader(fr)
while ( {
line = bf.readLine;
line = bf.readLine
line != null
}) {
if (line.startsWith("# Timestamp")) //continue
Expand Down
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions server/app/utils/AnyPlaceTilerHelper.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,4 +132,57 @@ object AnyPlaceTilerHelper {

def tileImageWithZoom(imageFile: File, lat: String, lng: String, zoom:String): Boolean = {
if (!imageFile.isFile || !imageFile.canRead()) {
return false
val imageDir = imageFile.getParentFile
if (!imageDir.isDirectory || !imageDir.canWrite() || !imageDir.canRead()) {
throw new AnyPlaceException("Server do not have the permissions to tile the passed argument[" +
imageFile.toString +
val pb = new ProcessBuilder(ANYPLACE_TILER_SCRIPT_START, imageFile.getAbsolutePath.toString, lat,
val log = new File(imageDir, "anyplace_tiler_" + imageFile.getName + ".log")
try {
val p = pb.start()
val is = p.getInputStream
val br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is))
var line = br.readLine()
while (line != null) {
println(">" + line)
line = br.readLine()
if (p.exitValue() != 0) {
val err = "Tiling for image[" + imageFile.toString + "] failed with exit code[" +
p.exitValue() +
throw new AnyPlaceException(err)
} catch {
case e: IOException => {
val err = "Tiling for image[" + imageFile.toString + "] failed with IOException[" +
e.getMessage +
throw new AnyPlaceException(err)
case e: InterruptedException => {
val err = "Tiling for image[" + imageFile.toString + "] failed with InterruptedException[" +
e.getMessage +
throw new AnyPlaceException(err)

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion server/build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ mappings in Universal ++= directory(baseDirectory.value / "floor_plans")

name := "anyplace_v3"

version := "3.0"
version := "4.0"

scalaVersion := "2.11.7"

Expand Down

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