SmartBill is an easy to use application that lets the user compile his/her grocery bill before proceeding to check-out. Also it keeps track of the price variation for a specific product from location to location using Google's geolocation mechanisms.
SmartBill uses the ZXing Library for the barcode scanning. (
Kyriakos Georgiou
Kyriakos Frangeskos
Authors of the ZXing Barcode Scanner library (
You should deploy the android application (or .apk) on any smartphone with Android OS and a with a camera. The application is compatible with all the versions of Android OS.
- Step 1:
Scan a barcode through the scanner's rectangle (or you can manually enter a barcode through the application's menu). - Step 2:
If the product was scanned before it will be added directly to the shopping list and to the grocery bill. If it's a new product, SmartBill will attempt to retrieve its name through the Google API for Shopping and then ask the user for its price. In case the product was not matched in Google's API for Shopping database, the user will be prompted to manually enter the product's name. - Step 3:
The products on the shopping list can be edited at any time by long-presssing them on the list. - Step 4:
SmartBill keeps track of previous locations a product was scanned, the user can see those locations and their respective prices by clicking the "View Full Map" button on the bottom right corner. - Step 5:
The application is terminated by pressing the "Back" button or through the Exit option on the Menu. The current shopping list and grocery bill will be lost but the scanned products will be permanently saved in the local database.
The API-Key for Google API for Shopping is missing, you will need to retrieve your own and place it in the Instructions for obtaining the API-Key: -
The API-Key for Google Maps is missing, you will need to retrieve your own and place it in the capture.xml and map.xml files. Instructions for obtaining the API-Key:
A brief report on how the bug can be replicated will be much appreciated.
You can send us your bug reports at:
- Kyriakos Georgiou -
- Kyriakos Frangeskos -
- Kyriakos Georgiou -
- Kyriakos Frangeskos -
- DSML -
Data Management Systems Laboratory
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Cyprus
P.O. Box 20537
1678 Nicosia, CYPRUS
Tel: +357-22-892755
Fax: +357-22-892701