아르고 블록체인 모니터링 도구
bash src/blockchain-monitoring.sh
export AERGOCLI="/blockchain/dohoon_test/aergocli"
export RETRY_COUNT=3
export CHECK_RANGE=100
export LOG_DIR="/blockchain/dohoon_test/logs"
export HOST_INFO_FILE="/blockchain/dohoon_test/host_info.txt"
- host1: 호스트 이름
- 호스트 IP 주소
- 1234: 호스트 포트 번호
List of available hosts
HostName | IP | Port
host1 | | 7845
host3 | | 27845
host2 | | 17845
Select the hosts you want to monitor (press Enter to scan all hosts):host1
Blockchain for host1: Abnormal (retry 0)
Retrying... (1/3)
Blockchain for host1: Abnormal (retry 1)
Retrying... (2/3)
Blockchain for host1: Abnormal (retry 2)
Retrying... (3/3)
Searching Transaction in Blockchain: Abnormal
System Status
Selected Host : host1
LeaderNode : wait2
SystemStatus : Healthy
List of available hosts
HostName | IP | Port
host1 | | 7845
host3 | | 27845
host2 | | 17845
Select the hosts you want to monitor (press Enter to scan all hosts):
All Host Checking...
Host host1 Checking...
MemPoolSvc : OK
Blockchain : Blockchain for host1: Abnormal (retry 0)
Retrying... (1/3)
Blockchain for host1: Abnormal (retry 1)
Retrying... (2/3)
Blockchain for host1: Abnormal (retry 2)
Retrying... (3/3)
Searching Transaction in Blockchain: Abnormal
Host host3 Checking...
MemPoolSvc : FAILED
Blockchain : Blockchain for host3: Invalid height (value: )
Host host2 Checking...
MemPoolSvc : OK
Blockchain : Blockchain for host2: Abnormal (retry 0)
Retrying... (1/3)
Blockchain for host2: Abnormal (retry 1)
Retrying... (2/3)
Blockchain for host2: Abnormal (retry 2)
Retrying... (3/3)
Searching Transaction in Blockchain: Abnormal
All System Monitoring
All System Status : Healthy
Abnormal Host Count : 1/3
Host Status by host
Status : Healthy
Host : host1
LeaderNode : wait2
Status : Failed
Host : host3
LeaderNode : Unknown
Status : Healthy
Host : host2
LeaderNode : test_0