- NodeMcu V3 Wifi module (ESP8266)
- VL53L0X Time-of-Flight (ToF) Laser Ranging Sensor
- WS2812B LED strip
- LED color and light intensity can be set on the web interface
- Light intensity can be also controlled by holding your hand above the distance sensor. Increasing/decreasing the distance increases/decreases the brightness. Removing your hand fixes the brightness.
Source files are in the form of a PlatformIO project. See https://platformio.org/.
The LED color is saved to EEPROM on each color update. Therefore, changing the color on the interface in a quickly swept fashion is not recommended. Right now the color wheel interface uses the onClick event, and does not support swiping or mouse dragging, so this is not a problem.
Using a HC-SR04 ultrasound distance sensor module has proven to be problematic, especially in confined environments, where multiple reflections can occur. The VL53L0X laser sensor has shown a much better performance.
Color wheel, basic web server code (extended with intensity control):
Useful code to find I2C devices empirically (with pin definitions):
- FastLED
- Pololulu VL53L0X