Uses Python to render any given webpage (which may be generated to any extent with javascript), into its final html form (e.g. for webscraping) using qtwebengine
python prerequisites;
pyvirtualdisplay (for running in batch mode)
pyqt5.qtwebengine (separate module in Debian and Ubuntu)
Ubuntu may also require xvfb installed.
FlaskRender is a flask framework for GetPage for use as a web service
GetPageWk is an earlier webkit version of GetPage; webengine replaced webkit in Chrome, but webkit survives as a fork.
GETHTML.php is an example of using GetPage in php. just call webpage with url as argument e.g. http://localhost/GetHTML.php? note that you will need to change the php according to wich version of python you want to call is an example of a cgi shell script calling python (put in your webserver cgi folder)
EXAMPLE USAGE: batch mode; python3 "http://www.mypage.php" > mypage.html
flask web service;
start web service: python3
send request url to web service with Render argument + url: http://localhost:5000/Render?url=