================================================================================ Created by: Dor Shtarker & Vladimir Shargorodsky
This program can calculate the probability for Hebrew ngrams, in fact, We wrote this program for 3 grams, but It'll be able to work with any type of ngrams, if n > 1. (You can change It a bit and It'll support other languages)
================================================================================ Instructions:
- Create S3 bucket in order to save the results.
- Create Role with AmazonElasticMapReduceforEC2Role and AmazonElasticMapReduceRole in IAM.
- Copy userInfo file into the folder where You'll run the program, then add the required details.
- Compile the project in DeletedEstimationsRunner folder with the command mvn package.
- Run It with java -jar DeletedEstimationsRunner-1.0.jar.
- You'll see the results in YOUR_BUCKET_NAME/deleted-estimations-output and the logs in YOUR_BUCKET_NAME/deleted-estimations-logs.