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 Currently v1.2.5   Powering showdex · v1.2.5   Patches @smogon/calc · v0.10.060ee461 

Showdex's fork of the @smogon/calc package, sometimes referred to as the "underlying damage calculator." This is the modified source of the aforementioned package that's patched in & bundled with official releases of Showdex.

If you're looking for Showdex's source code, this isn't it (try here instead!). You're looking at a supporting package that supplies all the damage calculations that Showdex displays to you. But if you're looking for a sign, here's a pointer: int* ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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Developer SparkNotes™

Sooo... what's different?


  • Disabled web client.
    • Web client build scripts have been bypassed in the postinstall script.
    • For our purposes, we're only interested in the MEAT inside the calc directory ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • yarn Classic in lieu of npm, similar to Showdex.

More specifically:

Many of these modifications were made to account for real-time battle conditions that don't apply to the original web-based version. Hence, I'm not intending on pushing any of them to the master smogon/damage-calc repo (also would seriously break the good 'ol Damage Calculator we know & love!).


  • node LTS Hydrogen v18
  • yarn Classic v1.22.0+
  • bash (Windows WSL, macOS, or Linux)

①  Installation


Without any additional package configuration (that I'm too lazy to do rn), attempting to install this from a package manager (e.g., yarn add doshidak/showdex-calc) will fail! You must install this custom fork into your local copy of Showdex using the cumbersome method detailed below. Sorry :c


I'm assuming you've already cloned doshidak/showdex.git (i.e., Showdex's source code), which exists under showdex in your favorite directory.

  1. cd into your favorite directory.
  2. git clone
  3. cd showdex-calc
  4. yarn
  5. cd ../showdex
  6. rm -r node_modules/@smogon/calc/dist node_modules/@smogon/calc/src
  7. cp -r ../showdex-calc/calc/dist ../showdex-calc/calc/src node_modules/@smogon/calc
  8. yarn patch-package @smogon/calc
  9. yarn
  10. yarn dev:re
  11. ???
  12. Profit!


Creating the Patchfile in step 8 is completely optional if you just want to quickly test some changes.


Technically, copying the showdex-calc/calc/dist/src directory into node_modules/@smogon/calc has no effect (uses the files in dist instead) & is completely optional, but I do it anyway so you can peep the source code. Fun fact: You can look through your local Showdex's node_modules/@smogon/calc/src right now to see the source code you see here!


Showdex's yarn dev[:chrome|:firefox]:re script is an alias of its yarn cache:purge && yarn dev[:chrome|:firefox] scripts (also yarn dev itself is an alias of yarn dev:chrome). Running yarn cache:purge is necessary if you've changed anything inside node_modules (including the @smogon/calc package!) after running yarn dev since the stale changes will still persist in (& be loaded from) node_modules/.cache/babel.

wait, you mean you do this every time for every Showdex release ???

  • yessir
  • all natty
    • no git
    • no ci
    • raw dawg
  • basically took a year to set this up cause I'm lazy
    • probably would've taken at least two had someone not asked me for this LOL


big thank to:

  • honk honk
  • austin, tx
  • kris kringle
  • smog squad
  • git clone


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