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dougcahl authored Nov 10, 2021
1 parent ee4ada6 commit 8215b28
Showing 1 changed file with 86 additions and 0 deletions.
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions matlab/geog2utm_nodisp.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
function [X,Y]=geog2utm_nodisp(lon,lat,LON,LAT)
% Convert Lat and Lon to UTM (Elipsoid) system (in Km) with Radar site being (0,0).
% function [X,Y]=geog2utm(longitude,latitude)
% Function to convert geographic coordinates (Longitude &
% latitude) to coordinates on the Universal Transverse
% Mercator (Elipsoid) system. The program finds automatically
% the UTM zone from the center of latitudes.
% function [X,Y]=geog2utm(lon,lat,LON,LAT)
% as above but instead of using the UTM zones the user defines
% the origin coordinates LAT and LON.
% INPUT : lon, lat : longitude and latitude in degrees and decimals
% of a degree (South & West must be negative,
% i.e. 5.2N 3.3W is +5.2 -3.3).
% LON, LAT : [OPTIONAL] Latitude and longitude of the origin poin
% (0.0,0.0)(South & West must be negative).
% OUTPUT: X , Y : Eastings and Northings (in km) from the origin point
% J.P. Snyder, 1987, Map Projections - A Working Manual.
% USGS Professional Paper 1395.
% G Voulgaris, USC FEB. 2000
% Revision 1, Jan. 2011: Took care of the UTM 500km offset automatically.
echo off
lat = lat(:);
lon = lon(:);
UTMzone = 0;
if (nargin > 4 || nargin==1 || nargin==3)
error('geog2utm.m: Only 2 or 4 arguments are allowed')
% Find the UTM Zone and corresponding Meridian using the mean longitude
if nargin == 2
LL = min(lon)+(max(lon)-min(lon))/2;
UTMrange = (-180:6:180)';
UTMmeridian = (-177:6:178)';
for i = 1:60;
if (UTMrange(i)<LL && UTMrange(i+1)>=LL);
XOFF = 500.0; % The 500Km offset required for UTM coordinates
LAT = 0;
LON = UTMmeridian(UTMzone);
XOFF = 0.0; % In case of local coordinate system with given origin
% Constants
% disp([' > UTM Zone:',num2str(UTMzone),' ORIGIN: ',num2str(LON),'E, ',num2str(LAT),'N <'])
alpha = 6378206.4;
e2 = 0.00676866;
DEG2RAD = (2*pi/360);
ko = 0.9996;
% Converting to rads
lat = lat*DEG2RAD;
lon = lon*DEG2RAD;
ee2 = e2/(1-e2);
N = alpha./sqrt((1-e2*sin(lat).^2));
T = tan(lat).^2;
C = ee2*cos(lat).^2;
A = (lon-LON).*cos(lat);
M = 111132.0894*lat/DEG2RAD-16216.94*sin(2*lat)+17.21*sin(4*lat)-0.02*sin(6*lat);
Mo = 111132.0894*LAT/DEG2RAD-16216.94*sin(2*LAT)+17.21*sin(4*LAT)-0.02*sin(6*LAT);
X = ko*N.*(A+(1-T+C).*(A.^3/6)+(5-18*T+T.^2+72*C-58*ee2).*(A.^5/120));
Y = ko*(M-Mo+N.*tan(lat).*((A.^2/2)+(5-T+9*C+4*C.^2).*(A.^4/24)+(61-58*T+T.^2+600*C-330*ee2).*(A.^6/720)));
X = X/1000+XOFF; % in Km
Y = Y/1000; % in Km

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