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espeak rp reads the NZE wordlist

Douglas Bagnall edited this page Aug 1, 2012 · 1 revision

looking up nze-wordlist.txt in espeak-nze-rp.txt

Generated by ./ test/nze-wordlist.txt dict/espeak-nze-rp.txt.

hit hid hint

hit                    h'It
hid                    h'Id
hint                   h'Int

boot booed boo tune dune

boot                   b'u:t
booed                  b'u:d
boo                    b'u:
tune                   tj'u:n
dune                   dj'u:n

bird curt burn

bird                   b'3:d
curt                   k'3:t
burn                   b'3:n

bat bad back bag ban

bat                    b'at
bad                    b'ad
back                   b'ak
bag                    b'ag
ban                    b'an

bet bed beck beg Ben

bet                    b'Et
bed                    b'Ed
beck                   b'Ek
beg                    b'Eg
Ben                    b'En

but bud buck bug bun

but                    b'Vt
bud                    b'Vd
buck                   b'Vk
bug                    b'Vg
bun                    b'Vn

bark barn path laugh dance

bark                   b'A@k
barn                   b'A@n
path                   p'aaT
laugh                  l'aaf
dance                  d'aans

bought bored born bore

bought                 b'O:t
bored                  b'O@d
born                   b'O@n
bore                   b'O@

book good put

book                   b'Uk
good                   g'Ud
put                    p'Ut

beat bead beak bean

beat                   b'i:t
bead                   b'i:d
beak                   b'i:k
bean                   b'i:n

loud lout how cow town

loud                   l'aUd
lout                   l'aUt
how                    h'aU
cow                    k'aU
town                   t'aUn

tie tied tight pie pine

tie                    t'aI
tied                   t'aId
tight                  t'aIt
pie                    p'aI
pine                   p'aIn

hay bay bait paid pay pain take

hay                    h'eI
bay                    b'eI
bait                   b'eIt
paid                   p'eId
pay                    p'eI
pain                   p'eIn
take                   t'eIk

moat mow mowed moan

moat                   m'oUt
mow                    m'oU
mowed                  m'oUd
moan                   m'oUn

beer bear here hair ear air

beer                   b'i@
bear                   b'e@
here                   h'i@
hair                   h'e@
ear                    'i@
air                    'e@

spear spare shear share cheer chair

spear                  sp'i@
spare                  sp'e@
shear                  S'i@
share                  S'e@
cheer                  tS'i@
chair                  tS'e@

hid had hard hoard who'd hood head heard heed hud hod

hid                    h'Id
had                    h'ad
hard                   h'A@d
hoard                  h'O@d
who'd                  h'u:d
hood                   h'Ud
head                   h'Ed
heard                  h'3:d
heed                   h'i:d
hud                    h'Vd
hod                    h'0d

groan grown moan mown throne thrown

groan                  gr'oUn
grown                  gr'oUn
moan                   m'oUn
mown                   m'oUn
throne                 Tr'oUn
thrown                 Tr'oUn

weather which whether witch when wine while whine

weather                w'EDa#
which                  w'ItS
whether                w'EDa#
witch                  w'ItS
when                   w'En
wine                   w'aIn
while                  w'aIl
whine                  w'aIn

ten shed add yes end bed

ten                    t'En
shed                   S'Ed
add                    'ad
yes                    j'Es
end                    'End
bed                    b'Ed

doll dole dull

doll                   d'0l
dole                   d'oUl
dull                   d'Vl

school full wool will pool well

school                 sk'u:l
full                   f'Ul
wool                   w'Ul
will                   w'Il
pool                   p'u:l
well                   w'El

fill filling fall falling fool fooling four

fill                   f'Il
filling                f'IlIN
fall                   f'O:l
falling                f'O:lIN
fool                   f'u:l
fooling                f'u:lIN
four                   f'O@

milk child railway cold

milk                   m'Ilk
child                  tS'aIld
railway                r'eIlweI
cold                   k'oUld

ferry fairy herring hearing

ferry                  f'Eri
fairy                  f'e@r-i
herring                h'ErIN
hearing                h'i@r-IN

city letter fatter ladder scatter better batter Peter

city                   s'Iti
letter                 l'Eta#
fatter                 f'ata#
ladder                 l'ada#
scatter                sk'ata#
better                 b'Eta#
batter                 b'ata#
Peter                  p'i:ta#

tour pour sure sewer skewer cure poor

tour                   t'U@
pour                   p'O@
sure                   S'U@
sewer                  s'u:a#
skewer                 skj'u:a#
cure                   kj'U@
poor                   p'U@

street train tree dream

street                 str'i:t
train                  tr'eIn
tree                   tr'i:
dream                  dr'i:m

mother father nothing something

mother                 m'VDa#
father                 f'A:Da#
nothing                n'VTIN
something              s'VmTIN

think thin with toothbrush breathe clothe beneath

think                  T'INk
thin                   T'In
with                   w'ID
toothbrush             t'u:TbrVS
breathe                br'i:D
clothe                 kl'oUD
beneath                bI2n'i:T

milk silk sulk gold

milk                   m'Ilk
silk                   s'Ilk
sulk                   s'Vlk
gold                   g'oUld

Ellen Alan

Ellen                  'El@n
Alan                   'al@n
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