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The Interim Constitution for the Transition Period

1. The Transitional Government (hereafter "TG") is formed as follows:

1.1. TG shall consist of 50 Members (hereinafter “Members”).
1.2. Initially, three trusted neutral registrars are appointed to select a representative random sample of the population to vote.
1.3. Within 4 weeks of this appointment, the neutral registrars shall randomly select 1,200 citizens to vote anonymously and elect Members.
1.4. The legal birth dates of the 1,200 randomly selected voters should fall between January 1957, and December 2006 (inclusive), spanning 50 years or 600 months in total. There should be exactly two voters born in each of these 600 months: one biologically male (at birth) and one biologically female (at birth). This ensures a uniform distribution of age and gender, with exactly 50% (600 voters) biologically male and 50% (600 voters) biologically female. This maximizes diversity while limiting the choices for the neutral registrars.
1.5. During this 4-week period, any person may register as a candidate for Membership, except the three neutral registrars and their relatives cannot become candidates or Members.
1.6. If, by day 28, at least 100 candidates and 1,200 voters are registered, the campaign period shall commence and last for 14 days.
1.7. If these minimum thresholds for candidates or voters are not met, the registration period shall be extended until both thresholds are met. Once met, the campaign period shall commence and last for 14 days.
1.8. On the first day after the 14-day campaign period, voters can vote to elect 50 Members in an open, inclusive and free election.
1.9. The election shall last 24 hours and use approval voting, allowing each voter to vote for multiple candidates.
1.10. The 50 candidates who receive the most votes shall become Members and form the TG.
1.11. The Member with the most votes shall serve as the first leader and lead the TG in the first two weeks.
1.12. Every two weeks, leadership shall rotate to the next most voted Member. In case of a tie, the Member who declared candidacy earliest shall become leader first.
1.13. No person may serve as leader more than once or for over two weeks.
1.14. The leader is responsible to coordinate among Members, organize Member meetings and report progress to the public.

2. The decisions of TG shall comply with the following:

2.1. All Members' votes and decisions shall be recorded publicly on a blockchain.
2.2. All financial transactions involving TG shall be recorded publicly on a blockchain.
2.3. TG shall not amend or override any part of this Interim Constitution.
2.4. Any Member may submit a proposal (hereafter "Proposal") that may include policies, decisions and financial actions.
2.5. A Proposal shall be ratified upon receiving approvals from 30 Members (a supermajority).
2.6. Proposals may be withdrawn by their proposer prior to ratification. Withdrawn Proposals may no longer be considered.
2.7. A Proposal shall remain under consideration until ratified by the supermajority or withdrawn by the proposing Member.
2.8. Each Member may have only one Proposal under consideration at a time, and may not submit a new Proposal until the prior Proposal is ratified or withdrawn.

3. TG shall:

3.1. Maintain stability, law, and order throughout the transition period;
3.2. Exercise control over the armed forces, law enforcement, and judiciary during the transition period;
3.3. Prepare multiple constitution drafts within 10 weeks of formation, enabling each Member to submit one constitution draft;
3.4. Organize a national referendum to ratify a new constitution after the 10-week period;
3.5. Enable every citizen born in 2006 or eariler to vote for any of the submitted constitution drafts in the referendum; 3.6. Recruit enough registrars to register every eligible citizen (who wants to vote) by two independent registrars;
3.7. Conduct the referendum using approval voting, allowing each citizen to vote for multiple constitution drafts;
3.8. Hold national elections to establish a new government in accordance with the ratified constitution within four weeks of the referendum; and
3.9. Dissolve itself and transfer all power to the newly elected government within two weeks after the national elections.

4. If TG fails to fulfill its duties within 18 weeks:

4.1. Three new Neutral registrars shall be appointed to restart the process.
4.2. The new Neutral registrars shall randomly select 1,200 new citizens to vote for candidates.
4.3. The 1,200 new randomly selected citizens elect 50 new Members in an open, inclusive and free election.
4.4. The existing TG shall be dissolved and replaced by the newly formed TG composed of 50 new Members.
4.5. If the constitutional referendum has not yet been held, the new TG shall proceed to hold the referendum as previously described.
4.6. If the constitutional referendum has already been held, the new TG shall execute the ratified constitution. A new referendum shall not be conducted.

5. Members of TG shall NOT:

5.1. Run for office or participate in any election for the new government;
5.2. Hold any official or unofficial government position for three years; nor
5.3. Run in any election or hold public office for three years.

6. A coalition of international organizations (e.g. the United Nations) shall:

6.1. Ensure that 1,200 voters are selected randomly from the citizenry;
6.2. Monitor Members' compliance with this Interim Constitution; and
6.3. Oversee the elections and the referendum to ensure integrity.