THe FiberToolbox is a plugin for DREAM.3D that allows the user to extract ellipses from a 2D image. The plugin was primarily developed to extract fibers from a micrograph cross section of a Composite Material. (see image below).
The plugin has a single filter DetectEllipsoids that will output a new 2D ImageGeometry with the detected ellipses drawn into the ImageGeometry. In addition the filter will also save the following attributes of each ellipse:
- X Coordinate of Center
- Y Coordinate of Center
- Major Axis Length
- Minor Axis Length
- Rotation of Ellipse in degrees
The algorithms implemented in this plugin are based off of a MATLAB implemenetation from the following research paper:
C. P. Przybyla, S. Bricker, J. P. Simmons, and R. Hardie, "Automated Microstructure-Properties Characterization and Simulation in Brittle Matrix Continuous Fiber Reinforced Composites.", 29th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites 2014, Vol. 1
which itself implemented the algorithm described in the paper:
[2] Xie, Yonghong, and Qiang Ji. "A new efficient ellipse detection method." Pattern Recognition, 2002. Proceedings. 16th International Conference on. Vol. 2. IEEE, 2002.
This plugin was developed under US Air Force Prime Contract FA8650-10-D-5210 by BlueQuartz Software, LLC.