a library for creating 2D grids for games (or apps)
npm install gamegrids
Require or import the library:
const gg = require('gamegrids')
//don't forget the 's' ^
import gg from 'gamegrids'
Or destructure only the functions you want (noting that ES needs an extra step here):
const { create, insert, move } = require('gamegrids')
import gg from './dist/gamegrids.mjs'
const { create, insert, move } = gg
Some terminology...
gg: This is the library
grid: This is your grid, you put interesting things in it
enty (or enties): These are the interesting things in your grid, typically defined by something that has information, moves, is interactive or has some other functionality you give it (p.s. - you still have to do most of the work). Each enty has at least one property called cell
which represents its place in grid.
new gg.grid(width, height)
Instantiates a new grid object & library combo (calls gg.create with supplied arguments)
let grid = new gg.grid(2,2)
[ . . ]
[ . . ]
//{ width: 2, height: 2, enties: [] }
gg.create(width, height)
Returns a grid object with the specified width and height
(note: the forthcoming documentation will assume you are instead using the new gg.grid
method as documented above)
let grid2 = gg.create(3,3)
[ . . . ]
[ . . . ]
[ . . . ]
//{ width: 3, height: 3, enties: [] }
grid.insert(label, enty, cell, extras)
Creates an enty inserted to specified cell with an optional object for extra properties.
grid.insert('h', 1)
[ . h . ]
[ . . . ]
[ . . . ]
//{ width: 3, height: 3, enties: [ { label: 'h', cell: 1 } ] }
Arguments can be in any order:
label - the label
property of the enty
enty - an plain object containing key/values, if .cell
) is supplied the enty will be inserted there
cell - the cell to insert the enty
grid.move(enty, direction, enties, loopGrid, loopRow)
Move a given enty (an enty object or its label string
) to the next adjacent cell in the given direction.
grid.move('h', 'south')
[ . . . ]
[ . h . ]
[ . . . ]
Enty will not be moved if destination cell is either beyond grid's edge (ie- bottom of map) unless loopGrid argument is supplied (pass extra parameter true
Enty will also not be moved if the destination cell is occupied by an existing enty and said enty has property `{ passable : false } (ex: said enty is a tree or an NPC)
Returns the first enty in a given cell.
[ . . . ]
[ . h . ]
[ . . . ]
//{ label: 'h', cell: 4 }
Returns an array of all enties in a given cell
Converts an index value (ie- cell number) to the equivalent row/column (array) value.
[ 0 1 2 ]
[ 3 4 5 ]
[ 6 7 8 ]
//> [2, 0]
grid.rcToIndex(row, column)
Converts a row/column pair to the equivalent array index (ie- as spread out in a single row)
grid.rcToIndex(2, 0)
//> 6
Returns the next open cell in the grid
[ . . % ]
[ & # . ]
[ . . . ]
//> 5
Returns an array of cell numbers that would fill a given region
grid.makeRegion(startCell, width, height)
let grid = new gg.grid(3,3)
let region = grid.makeRegion(1, 2, 2)
//> [1, 2, 4, 5]
region.forEach((cellNum) => grid.insert(cellNum, '#'))
[ . # # ]
[ . # # ]
[ . . . ]
see test.js for more examples and gg itself for a number of other functions not yet documented.
Functions can also accept a grid as a parameter. If a grid param is supplied a grid will be returned.
Otherwise the class-like instance/portable API will modify itself.
//portable API / grid in one deal:
let grid = new gg.grid(6,6)
let grid2 = new gg.grid(12,12)
//(there is a hero in grid one but not grid2)
//alternatively, use functional style:
let grid = gg.create(6,6)
grid = grid.insert('hero')
let grid2 = gg.create(12,12)
grid2 = gg.insert('zombie')
*WIP as not all functions support the single instance/portable API technique
Feel free to contribute to making this library better/faster!
git clone git@github.com:drschwabe/gamegrid.git
There is lot's of room for improvement in the performance deparment for example.
If you do make a change, please run the test suite to make sure no existing functionality breaks.
The library currently has 130 tests that check core features and various other functions. Ideally, you can also write a test that checks your newly intended functionality (if any) works too.
npm test
To build and test the ES version do:
npm run build
npm run test-es
- finish documentation (refer to ./gg.js for other functions/features not yet documented)
- fully integrate portable API with all functions (not all functions support grid as standalone API; when in doubt use functional style outlined above)
- write tests for functions that are not yet tested
- write more tests for functions that are not thoroughly tested
- consider an improved data model and/or approach to caching the grid enties
ie- instead of calling
- improve performance
- write tests to check performance