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ActiveFedora Solr Cheatsheet
How to avoid hard-coding Solr field names.
> ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name(:field, type: :string)
=> "field_tesim"
> ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name(:field, type: :text)
=> "field_tesim"
> ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name(:field, type: :symbol)
=> "field_ssim"
> ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name(:field, type: :date)
=> "field_dtsim"
> ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name(:field, :sortable, type: :date)
=> "field_dti"
To find results matching a given query:
ActiveFedora::SolrService.query(query, :rows => limit, :sort => SORT)
Example query:
last_fixity_check_on_dt:[* TO NOW-%s] AND (active_fedora_model_s:Component OR active_fedora_model_s:Target)
Example sort:
last_fixity_check_on_dt asc
Example query for empty field:
-is_governed_by_s:["" TO *]
Result of SolrService.query is an array. Iterate through this and create a Solr document for each hit:
doc = SolrDocument.new(r)
To retrieve the ActiveFedora object for the object represented by the Solr document:
ActiveFedora::Base.find(doc.id, :cast => true)
(Not sure if need :cast parameter)
The following commands were used to find and fix a situation where the 'creator' attribute was not set on a group of Components as they were ingested:
tbf = ActiveFedora::SolrService.query("-creator_tesim:['' TO *] AND active_fedora_model_ssi:Component", :rows=>999)
tbf.each do |r|
doc = SolrDocument.new(r)
c = ActiveFedora::Base.find(doc.id, :cast => true)
c.creator = 'DPC'