An alpha project for Southwark for monitoring affordable housing in the borough.
Project can either be run locally or via Docker Compose
Run the setup command. This drops and recreates the database, installs any dependencies, runs the DB migrations, and builds the assets:
To just update dependencies and database seeds, you can run the bootstrap command:
### Docker compose setup
Requirements: [Docker](
docker-compose up
In either setup, the server will be running on http://localhost:3000, and the default user is with the password of 'password'
When making a change, update the changelog using the Keep a Changelog 1.0.0 format. Pull requests should not be merged before any relevant updates are made.
When making a new release, update the changelog in the release pull request.
Pull requests merged into main
will be deployed to the production environment
To create a production deployment:
- Create a branch release/xxx
- Update changelog for the release
- Commit and push
- Open PRs from that branch to both main and develop
- Get sign off on any other changes in the release, and approval on the PRs
- Tag the HEAD of the PR release-xxx and push the tag
- Merge both PRs
- Watch production and smoke test when deployed