Mix multiple Song Beater auto-generated maps with various settings into a single composite map
This makes it possible to have some variability within auto-generated songs, e.g. have sections R-L-R-L-R-L and also have other sections where you get R-R-L-L-R-R for example if you vary the "alternating left/right" value. But you can vary any of the other parameters, just make sure to "Generate" with the new settings and then "Save json files".
Pressing the "Merge" button will create a new subfolder called "merged" and place the composite level file (e.g. 4.json) and the updated sb.json file. Notes:
- if you have a single MP4 video in the song folder, it will also be added into the sb.json file
- if you have variants for multiple levels, merge will create all the composite levels (e.g. all 3-*.json files into 3.json, 4-*.json files into 4.json etc)
- merge will not overwrite existing level files in the "merged" subfolder. Delete them if you want to create a new one
- on the device the song.ogg, mp4, cover.jpg and json files all need to be in a single folder
- when updating a song on the device, you can just re-add the json files from the "merged" subfolder
How to use:
- Copy full path of Song Beater song folder (e.g. F:\Oculus\Song Beater\Quest\Star)
- Keep this app open while working in Song Beater Editor. This app runs in the background and saved levels in that folder will be renamed to level variants (e.g. "4.json" → becomes → "4-225-R2R0L1L1R1R0L2L2R3R0L3L3R3R0L2L2R1R0L0L0.json" (showing the note count and first 20 notes in the file)
- When you have at least 2 variants of the same level you can merge them into a composite level (where chuncks of orbs are taken randomly from the variants. Chunk size is random between min...max)
- Note counts in main sb.json file are updated, and video file if found is also added to sb.json
Any questions, ask me on the Song Beater discord