Vehicle Management Project - Java , MySQL , JDBC, JAVA MAIL SMTP
Software where you can log into your account or create one by entering your details and it confirming by entering the code you received on your email. Also, when you register or log into your account, you choose a role .(Admin, Client).Each role has a menu ,If you forgot your password you can reset it by entering the verification code sent to your email.
-Passwords are hashing with Sha256
-Our program have validations(regex for email,username,password and etc...)
-email sent during registration looks like this,there is one code,which we are entering in the console,to confirm our registration.
As I said, each role has a corresponding menu,roles are Admin,Client.Lets see the menus and see what they do.
####1)will display all cars from the database,we can select how to display by type, name, price(we can make our price preferences, like show vehicles from min price to max price)
2) search vehicle
3) Candidate for a position in the Vehicle Company(Ignition Auto)
-positions are (manager,auto mechanic,tire technician and others..)
-each position has application requirements:if you want to candidate as a manager you need to have high education and experience at this position at least 4 years
-also we will be registered to the employee database

***** other choices from the menu ,are not working yet (but soon will work)

1)is same as the Client's
2)we can see all employers,that the company have by the positions,or search for employee
3)we can see all loged users
4)also we can see loged and not loged users(with the details)
5)can add employee manually
6)can add vehicle manually
7)can add user manually
5,6,7 - are avaible ,because ,if there is any malfunction and it cannot be added by the user,will be add from the admin.
8,9,10 - work on the same logic as the above options,but for removing
11)takes the e-mails of registered users as Clients, and does some kind of notification to them

- MySQL Connector Java 8.0.27
- Javax mail 1.6.3
-When you install these files, also you need to download the schema given in the 'database' folder and export it to your database,you need to make the schema name: shop_db
-if you have any problems during installation or there is any bug in the software, you can feel free to contact me.💌