it's developer friendly feature flagging solution where you define all your flags in Flagfile in this format: Flagfile.example
its boolean expression parser library which was initially written in ( and later rewrote everything in Nom rust lib
Feature rules can be describe in a expresions similar to all developers and DevOps and does not need any intermediate json format to express these
country == NL and created > 2024-02-15 and userId not in (122133, 122132323, 2323423)
let rule = "country == NL and created > 2024-02-15 and userId not in (122133, 122132323, 2323423)";
let (i, expr) = parse(&rule).expect("parse error");
let flag_value = eval(&expr, &HashMap::from([("country", "NL"), ("userId", "2132321"), ("created", "2024-02-02")]);
eventually this lib compiles into wasm and used in UI to validate and parse rules, and with FFI exported into other languages to parse and evaluate rules
it's a flagfile in your application root folder to control behaviour and feature flagging in your app
Flagfile.example (with comments):
// once you dont have rules you can use short notation to return boolean
FF-feature-flat-on-off -> true
// can be snake_case as well as kebab-case
FF_feature_can_be_snake_case_213213 -> FALSE
// can be camelCase
FF_featureOneOrTwo -> FALSE
// can be PascalCase
FF_Feature23432 -> TRUE
// you can return non-boolean in this example json. or empty json object json({})
FF-feature-json-variant -> json({"success": true})
// features are forced to start with FF- case-sensitive as
// it allows you later to find all flags through the codebase
FF-feature-name-specifics -> false
// you can have feature with multiple rules in it with default flag value returned in the end
// you can have comments or comment blocks with // or /* comment */
FF-feature-y {
// if country is NL return True
countryCode == NL -> true
// else default to false
// you can also return different variations (non-boolean) as example json
FF-testing {
// default variant
json({"success": true})
// and have more complex feature with multiple rules in it and some rules multiline rule, which at the end defaults to false
// aswel capitalize for visibility boolean TRUE/FALSE
FF-feature-complex-ticket-234234 {
// complex bool expression
a = b and c=d and (dd not in (1,2,3) or z == "demo car") -> TRUE
// another one
z == "demo car" -> FALSE
// with checking more
g in (4,5,6) and z == "demo car" -> TRUE
// and multi-line rule works
model in (ms,mx,m3,my) and created >= 2024-01-01
and demo == false -> TRUE
// different kind of comments inside
FF-feature1 {
/* comment like this */
a == "something" -> false
/* this is multi-line commented feature
FF-timer-feature {
// turn on only on evaluation time after 22nd feb
NOW() > 2024-02-22 -> true