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Unified simulation code for TIP and TIGRESS using the GEANT4 framework.

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This repo is maintained by Jonathan Williams, see the full list of contributors below.

There is a known bug with the stopping powers in this version. If performing DSAM simulations or anything else that depends on the stopping process, use the Geant4.10 branch instead.


Unified simulation code for TIP and TIGRESS using the GEANT4 framework.

At present, fusion-evaporation and Coulomb excitation reaction processes are available, and the TIP CsI wall/ball and GRIFFIN/TIGRESS array geometries are implemented. The user can arbitrarily define a multi-layer reaction target using macro commands, or use the predefined TIP plunger (for RDM) or DSAM targets.

For fusion-evaporation, arbitrary step-wise decay of the residual nucleus (gamma ray cascade) is availaible. Coulomb excitation is single-step (E2).


This branch is only compatible with GEANT4 version 11.x. For GEANT4 version 10.x, see the Geant4.10 branch.

The current version of the code has been tested on Arch Linux, as of September 2023. Previous versions have been tested on Ubuntu 14.04/16.04/20.04 and CentOS 7, but compatibility with these distros is not guaranteed. If you're on a non-Linux platform: good luck!

Follow the instructions below to set up the required dependencies.


Depending on the OS, some additional packages may be needed for GEANT4.

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S nlohmann-json xxhash onetbb


ROOT trees are used to store simulated data. The code is tested with v6.x, but earlier versions may work. You may already have this set up (in that case just make sure that the environment variables are correctly defined). If not, ROOT should be built from source:

ROOT source code

ROOT build and install guide

Set up environment variables for ROOT by adding the following lines to your ~/.bashrc (substituting the appropriate paths):

#ROOT configuration
export ROOTSYS=/path/to/root
export ROOTINC=/path/to/root/include
export ROOTLIB=/path/to/root/lib
export PATH=$PATH:$ROOTSYS/bin


This branch is only compatible with GEANT4 version 11.x. For GEANT4 version 10.x, see the Geant4.10 branch.

GEANT4 source code

GEANT4 build and install guide

GEANT4 should be built with its data files and the Qt visualization drivers, using the -DGEANT4_INSTALL_DATA=ON and -DGEANT4_USE_QT switches specified in its install guide. The -DGEANT4_INSTALL_PACKAGE_CACHE=OFF switch may also be needed for compatibility with recent CMake versions. Set up environment variables for GEANT4 by adding the following lines to your ~/.bashrc (substituting the appropriate paths):

#for GEANT4
export G4INSTALL=/path/to/geant4_install_directory
source $G4INSTALL/bin/
#substitute GEANT4_VERSION in the next line with the appropriate directory
source $G4INSTALL/share/Geant4/geant4make/

Redacted files

This program requires secret files describing the GRIFFIN geometry ( and To get them, ask a collaborator or your boss. After obtaining these files, copy them to the src directory.

Build the simulation code

The program is then compiled from source using the following commands (substituting the appropriate directory):

cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/path/to/geant4_install_directory/lib/GEANT4_VERSION .
make -j

The cmake step needs to be re-done if you move the code to a different directory.

Using the program

The program G4TIP is run from the command line and takes a batch file as its only argument. The batch file contains a list of commands which are executed in order by the program. The macros directory contains some examples of working batch files, it may be easier to copy one of these and modify it. Tables explaining most (but not all) of the available commands follow:

Reaction mechanism and physics parameters

One of the reaction mechanisms (/Physics/FusionEvaporation or /Physics/Coulex) must be specified.

Command Effect
/Physics/FusionEvaporation Use the fusion-evaporation reaction mechanism. The reaction should be further configured using the reaction parameters listed below.
/Physics/Coulex Use the Coulomb excitation reaction mechanism. The reaction should be further configured using the reaction parameters listed below
/Physics/IgnoreNeutrons Ignore neutron interactions in the simulation. Useful if there are no neutrons produced in the reaction and you want to speed up the simulation.
/Physics/StoppingTable PATH Use custom stopping power tables from the directory specified by PATH (needs to be an absolute file path). The format of the tables is expected to be the same as those provided in the default GEANT4 dataset. If not set, GEANT4 will use its default ICRU73-based stopping power tables.

Detectors and geometry

Command Effect
/Construction/UseCsIWall Use the CsI wall ancillary array for charged particle detection. This is the default option if no other ancillary array is specified.
/Construction/UseCsIBall Use the CsI ball ancillary array for charged particle detection.
/Construction/NoAncillaryArray Do not use an ancillary array for charged particle detection.
/Construction/UseTarget Use the user-definable reaction target (this option is used by default, unless /Construction/UseDSAMTarget or /Construction/UsePlunger are set). The target geometry is configured using parameters listed below.
/Construction/UseDSAMTarget Use the DSAM reaction target. The target geometry is configured using parameters listed below.
/Construction/UsePlunger Use the TIP plunger as the reaction target. The plunger geometry is configured using parameters listed below.
/Construction/ShiftChamber NUMBER mm Set the position of the TIP chamber along the z (beam) axis (0 mm is centred with respect to the TIGRESS array).
/Construction/ShiftPlunger NUMBER mm Set the position of the plunger along the z (beam) axis with respect to the TIP chamber (0 mm is centred with respect to the chamber).
/Griffin/UseTIGRESSPositions true/false Use TIGRESS array positions (if false, GRIFFIN positions will be used instead). True by default.
/Griffin/UseTIGRESSSegments true/false Use TIGRESS segments in the simulation. True by default. This option doesn't modify the detector geometry, it just saves extra position tracking information for the germanium array.
/Griffin/FrontSegmentTrackingSpherical true/false When using TIGRESS segment tracking, track the front segments in spherical coordinates (to better follow the electric field expected in the detector), and the rear segments in cylindrical coordinates. True by default, if set to false all segments will be tracked with cylindrical coordinates.

Target parameters

These commands configure the default target type, which is always used unless /Construction/UseDSAMTarget or /Construction/UsePlunger are set.

Command Effect
/Target/LayerX/Thickness NUMBER um The thickness of the layer (where X is the layer number, eg. Layer1 for the first layer, Layer2 for the second layer). Alternatively this can be specified in mg/cm2 using /Target/LayerX/ThicknessMgCm2.
/Target/LayerX/Position NUMBER um The position of the layer (where X is the layer number, eg. Layer1 for the first layer, Layer2 for the second layer).
/Target/LayerX/AttachToLayer LAYER us/ds Alternative to /Target/LayerX/Position, where layer X is attached to layer LAYER. The value of 'us/ds' is 'upstream' or 'downstream', specifying whether layer X is mounted upstream or downstream of layer LAYER.
/Target/LayerX/A NUMBER The mass number of the layer. This is needed for the layer in which the reaction takes place, but not for other layers.
/Target/LayerX/Material STRING1 The layer material.
/Target/ReactionLayer NUMBER The layer at which the reaction (Coulex, fusion-evaporation, etc.) takes place (eg. if NUMBER is 1, then the reaction takes place in Layer1).

1GEANT4 material strings are used, typically formatted as G4_ELEMENT (eg. copper would be G4_Cu). Vacuum is also a material: G4_Galactic.

DSAM target parameters

These commands will only be used if /Construction/UseDSAMTarget is set.

Command Effect
/DSAMTarget/Target/A NUMBER The mass number of the reaction target (number of nucleons).
/DSAMTarget/Target/Z NUMBER The proton number of the reaction target.
/DSAMTarget/Target/Material STRING1 The reaction target material.
/DSAMTarget/Target/Thickness NUMBER um The reaction target thickness (alternatively this can be specified in mg/cm2 using /DSAMTarget/Target/ThicknessMgCm2).
/DSAMTarget/Backing/A NUMBER The mass number of the target backing (number of nucleons).
/DSAMTarget/Backing/Z NUMBER The proton number of the target backing.
/DSAMTarget/Backing/Material STRING1 The target backing material.
/DSAMTarget/Backing/Thickness NUMBER um The target backing thickness (alternatively this can be specified in mg/cm2 using /DSAMTarget/Backing/ThicknessMgCm2).

1GEANT4 material strings are used, typically formatted as G4_ELEMENT (eg. copper would be G4_Cu). Vacuum is also a material: G4_Galactic.

Plunger parameters

These commands will only be used if /Construction/UsePlunger is set.

Command Effect
/Plunger/Backing/Material STRING1 The plunger target backing material.
/Plunger/Backing/Thickness NUMBER um The plunger target backing thickness.
/Plunger/Target/Material STRING1 The plunger reaction target material.
/Plunger/Target/Thickness NUMBER um The plunger reaction target thickness (alternatively this can be specified in mg/cm2 using /Plunger/Target/ThicknessMgCm2).
/Plunger/Stopper/Material STRING1 The plunger stopper/degrader material.
/Plunger/Stopper/Thickness NUMBER um The plunger reaction stopper/degrader thickness.
/Plunger/Separation NUMBER um The separation between the plunger target and stopper/degrader.

1GEANT4 material strings are used, typically formatted as G4_ELEMENT (eg. copper would be G4_Cu). Vacuum is also a material: G4_Galactic.

Fusion-evaporation reaction parameters

These commands will only be used if /Physics/FusionEvaporation is set.

Command Effect
/Projectile/A NUMBER The mass number of the beam species (number of nucleons).
/Projectile/Z NUMBER The proton number of the beam species.
/Projectile/KE NUMBER MeV The energy of the beam in the lab frame.
/FusionEvaporation/N_protons In fusion-evaporation, the number of protons (promptly) emitted from the compound nucleus in order to form the residual nucleus.
/FusionEvaporation/N_neutrons In fusion-evaporation, the number of neutrons (promptly) emitted from the compound nucleus in order to form the residual nucleus.
/FusionEvaporation/N_alpha In fusion-evaporation, the number of alpha particles (promptly) emitted from the compound nucleus in order to form the residual nucleus.
/FusionEvaporation/AddDecay ENERGY LIFETIME Adds a decay (emits a gamma-ray from the residual nucleus) with energy specified in MeV, and lifetime specified in ns. More than 1 decay may be added, in which case the decays occur sequentially (in a cascade).
/FusionEvaporation/MaxNumAttempts NUMBER When simulating, the program will discard any reactions which are non-physical (eg. residual nucleus not excited high enough to emit the gamma rays requested) and re-attempt the reaction. This sets the maximum number of times to re-attempt the reaction before giving an error. Default value is 1000.
/FusionEvaporation/CompoundFormationQ NUMBER The reaction Q value, in MeV, of the fusion reaction forming the compound system from the beam and target species, based on the difference in mass between the beam + target and the compound nucleus.
/FusionEvaporation/SE1 NUMBER The particle separation energy, in MeV, for the first particle evaporation from the compund nucleus, based on the difference in mass between the compound system and the particle + remaining nucleus. For positive Sn or Sp values, this should be a positive value.
/FusionEvaporation/SE2 NUMBER Same as above, except for the second particle evaporation (if applicable). Use SE3 and SE4 for the third and fourth particle evaporations, if necessary.
/FusionEvaporation/CoulombBarrier NUMBER Specifies the Coulomb barrier energy (in MeV) used to determine evaporated particle excitation energies in the fusion-evaporation process. This is the Coulomb barrier between the residual nucleus and the evaporated particle. Note that tunneling is not considered in the simulation, so simply using the calculated Coulomb barrier might not give the best results.
/FusionEvaporation/Temperature NUMBER Specifies the temperature (the kT value, in units of MeV) used to determine evaporated particle excitation energies in the fusion-evaporation process.
/FusionEvaporation/DistFile FILENAME Specifies a file containing the desired centre-of-mass energy distribution for evaporated particles. The format of the file is two columns for the start-of-bin energy in MeV and the number of counts in the bin, respectively. Using this command overrides the default distribution (and the associated CoulombBarrier and Temperature parameters listed above).
/FusionEvaporation/P0 Sets the angular distribution of emitted gamma rays to be isotropic (default).
/FusionEvaporation/P2 Sets the angular distribution of emitted gamma rays to a 2nd order legendre polynomial in cos(theta). Doesn't seem to work properly with cascades at the moment.
/FusionEvaporation/P4 Sets the angular distribution of emitted gamma rays to a 4th order legendre polynomial in cos(theta). Doesn't seem to work properly with cascades at the moment.
/FusionEvaporation/P6 Sets the angular distribution of emitted gamma rays to a 6th order legendre polynomial in cos(theta). Doesn't seem to work properly with cascades at the moment.

Coulex reaction parameters

These commands will only be used if /Physics/Coulex is set.

Command Effect
/Projectile/A NUMBER The mass number of the beam species (number of nucleons).
/Projectile/Z NUMBER The proton number of the beam species.
/Projectile/KE NUMBER MeV The energy of the beam in the lab frame.
/Projectile/Ex NUMBER MeV Excitation energy of the level to be populated in the beam species (either this or /Recoil/Ex must be non-zero, and not both).
/Projectile/Lifetime NUMBER ps Mean lifetime of the level to be populated in the beam species (set this if using /Projectile/Ex).
/Recoil/A NUMBER The mass number of the target/recoil species (number of nucleons).
/Recoil/Z NUMBER The proton number of the target/recoil species.
/Recoil/Ex NUMBER MeV Excitation energy of the level to be populated in the recoil/target species (either this or /Projectile/Ex must be non-zero, and not both).
/Recoil/Lifetime NUMBER ps Mean lifetime of the level to be populated in the target/recoil species (set this if using /Recoil/Ex).
/Coulex/SetDCmin NUMBER fm Set minimum distance of closest approach in fm.

Trigger parameters

Command Effect
/Trigger/GammaSingles Trigger on events containing at least one hit in the TIGRESS/GRIFFIN array.
/Trigger/A NUMBER If using a particle trigger, this is the mass number of the particle to trigger on1.
/Trigger/Z NUMBER If using a particle trigger, this is the proton number of the particle to trigger on1.
/Trigger/ARange MIN MAX If using a particle trigger, this is the range of mass number of the particle(s) which may be triggered on1.
/Trigger/ZRange MIN MAX If using a particle trigger, this is the range of proton numbers of the particle(s) which may be triggered on1.
/Trigger/DefinedParticleSingles Trigger on events containing at least one hit with the particle defined by /Trigger/A and /Trigger/Z.
/Trigger/DefinedParticleAndGamma Trigger on events containing at least one hit with the particle defined by /Trigger/A and /Trigger/Z, and one gamma ray.
/Trigger/DefinedParticleCoincAndGamma Trigger on events containing at least two hits with the particle defined by /Trigger/A and /Trigger/Z, and one gamma ray.
/Trigger/DefinedParticleCoincAnd2GammaCores Trigger on events containing at least two hits with the particle defined by /Trigger/A and /Trigger/Z (or any particle if those commands are not used), and two hits in the TIGRESS/GRIFFIN array.
/Trigger/DisableGriffin NUM Removes the TIGRESS/GRIFFIN detector with index NUM (1-indexed) from the trigger.
/Trigger/DisableGriffinDetCol DET COL Removes the TIGRESS/GRIFFIN detector core with detector index DET (1-indexed) and core index COL (0-indexed) from the trigger.
/Trigger/DisableCsI NUM Removes the CsI detector with index NUM (1-indexed) from the trigger.
/Trigger/DisableCsIRange LOW HIGH Removes CsI detectors with index between LOW and HIGH (inclusive, 1-indexed) from the trigger.
/Trigger/CsIThreshold NUMBER MeV Sets a lower energy threshold for detection of hits in CsI detectors. This threshold is a hard cutoff, use /Trigger/CsILinearThreshold instead if a more gradual threshold is needed.
/Trigger/CsILinearThreshold LOW HIGH Sets a linear lower energy threshold for detection of hits in CsI detectors, ranging from the value of LOW (in MeV) where no hits are detected to HIGH (in MeV), where all events are detected.
/Trigger/WeightCsIRange LOW HIGH VALUE Weights CsI detectors with index between LOW and HIGH (inclusive, 1-indexed) waith the specified value (between 0 and 1). The weight value specifies the probability that a hit in the weighted detector will be included in the trigger.
/Trigger/GammaThreshold NUMBER MeV Sets a lower energy threshold for detection of hits in the TIGRESS/GRIFFIN array. This threshold is a hard cutoff.

1If none of /Trigger/A, /Trigger/Z, /Trigger/ARange, and /Trigger/ZRange are set, the particle trigger will be applied to any charged particle.

Data generation and saving

Command Effect
/run/beamOn NUMBER Runs the simulation for the specified number of events (primary beam tracks).
/Results/Tree/Save FILENAME Saves the results of the simulation to a ROOT tree in the specified file.



For visualization using the GEANT4 Qt visualization driver, run the program as G4TIP -u. The macro macros/vis.mac provides an example for drawing the TIGRESS array and CsI ball (right now this is very slow, you may have to wait a while for drawing to finish).

Other notes

Some GEANT4 classes have been backported from older GEANT4 versions for use in this code:

G4IonStoppingData, G4IonParametrisedLossModel, G4VIonDEDXTable (from GEANT4.11.2) - modified to allow for user defined stopping powers.

G4NuclearDecayChannel (from GEANT4.9.4) - reimplemented as GammaDecayChannel, a decay channel with only gamma decay. This is done to properly compute properties of daughter nuclei and emitted gammas when considering a cascade of decays.

G4Decay (from GEANT4.11.2) - modified to suppress warnings.


H. Asch - Bugfixes.

A. Chester - CsI wall code, Coulex implementation, plunger implementation.

T. Ma - CsI ball code.

M. S. Martin - Fusion-evaporation: particle evaporation code.

C. Morse - Finding and fixing memory leaks.

K. Starosta - Initial TIP codebase.

J. Williams - Fusion-evaporation implementation, DSAM and arbitrary target implementation, GEANT4 10.x and 11.x ports.

F. Wu - Reaction code work and auditing.

J. Yu - Fusion-evaporation: particle evaporation code.

GRIFFIN/TIGRESS code is based on work by the GRIFFIN collaboration, available at:

You can cite this paper if using the fusion-evaporation process, or this paper if using the Coulex process.


Unified simulation code for TIP and TIGRESS using the GEANT4 framework.







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