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Midonet Sandbox

Getting started

Clone the git repository and install the package with:

$ python install

You may want to use a virtual env for it:

$ mkdir venv
$ virtualenv venv/
$ cd venv ; source bin/activate

Once you installed it, you can check the available flavours:

$ sandbox-manage flavours-list
[07-02 10:51:54] INFO - Cannot read ~/.midonet-sandboxrc
[07-02 10:51:54] INFO - Using default settings
| Flavours     |
| master+kilo  |
| 2015.03+kilo |

You may want to check which components these flavours provide:

$ sandbox-manage flavours-list --details
[07-02 10:54:01] INFO - Cannot read ~/.midonet-sandboxrc
[07-02 10:54:01] INFO - Using default settings
| Flavour      | Components                                                                                                                                      |
| master+kilo  | 1x sandbox/keystone:kilo, 2x sandbox/cassandra:master, 1x sandbox/midolman:master, 1x sandbox/midonet-api:master, 3x sandbox/zookeeper:master   |
| 2015.03+kilo | 2x sandbox/cassandra:master, 1x sandbox/midolman:2015.03, 1x sandbox/keystone:kilo, 1x sandbox/midonet-api:2015.03, 3x sandbox/zookeeper:master |

You can check if the required images are available in your docker installation:

$ sandbox-manage images-list
[07-02 10:58:04] INFO - Cannot read ~/.midonet-sandboxrc
[07-02 10:58:04] INFO - Using default settings
[07-02 10:58:06] ERROR - A <class 'requests.exceptions.ConnectionError'> occured: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory'))

As default, the sandbox will try to connect to a local Docker daemon via the unix socket. In this case Docker was running in a VM, so let's specify this in the config file:

$ cat config.cfg
docker_socket = tcp://

 sandbox-manage -c config.cfg images-list
[07-02 11:03:11] INFO - Loading configuration file: config.cfg
[07-02 11:03:11] INFO - No images found

Ok, so let's build the required images for the flavour:

$ sandbox-manage -c config.cfg build-all master+kilo
[07-02 11:04:28] INFO - Loading configuration file: config.cfg
[07-02 11:04:28] INFO - Building the following components: cassandra:master, midolman:master, midonet-api:master, zookeeper:master
[07-02 11:04:28] INFO - Build started for cassandra:master, publish is False
[07-02 11:04:28] INFO - Base image cassandra:base not found, skipping
[07-02 11:04:28] INFO - Now building sandbox/cassandra:master
Step 0 : FROM ubuntu:14.04
[... cut ...]

If you modify some of the images (dockerfiles or associated files), be sure to do python install, then you can build them independently. :

$ python install
$ sandbox-manager -c config.cfg build midonet:master
[07-10 16:18:16] INFO - Loading configuration file: config.cfg
[07-10 16:18:16] INFO - Build started for midolman:master, publish is False
[07-10 16:18:16] INFO - Now building sandbox/midolman:base
Step 0 : FROM ubuntu-upstart:14.04
[... cut ...]

NOTE: If creating the images is very slow, try setting the nofile limit to 1024 in /etc/init/docker.conf and restart docker (bug report).

Now all the required images are available:

$ sandbox-manage -c config.cfg images-list
[07-02 11:10:56] INFO - Loading configuration file: config.cfg
| Image                      | Created       |
| sandbox/zookeeper:master   | a minute ago  |
| sandbox/midonet-api:master | 2 minutes ago |
| sandbox/midonet-api:base   | 4 minutes ago |
| sandbox/midolman:master    | 4 minutes ago |
| sandbox/midolman:base      | 7 minutes ago |
| sandbox/cassandra:master   | 7 minutes ago |

and we can start a sandbox based on this flavour, let's call it staging.

NOTE: Before running the midolman component make sure the openvswitch module has been loaded on the host

(where the docker daemon runs)
$ sudo modprobe openvswitch

$ sandbox-manage -c config.cfg run master+kilo --name staging
[07-02 11:20:36] INFO - Loading configuration file: config.cfg
[07-02 11:20:36] INFO - Spawning master+kilo sandbox
Creating mnsandboxstaging_cassandra1_1...
Creating mnsandboxstaging_cassandra2_1...
Creating mnsandboxstaging_zookeeper1_1...
Creating mnsandboxstaging_zookeeper2_1...
Creating mnsandboxstaging_zookeeper3_1...
Creating mnsandboxstaging_api_1...
Creating mnsandboxstaging_midolman_1...
| Sandbox   | Name                          | Image                      | Ports                                        | Ip          |
| staging   | mnsandboxstaging_midolman_1   | sandbox/midolman:master    | tcp/22                                       | |
| staging   | mnsandboxstaging_api_1        | sandbox/midonet-api:master | tcp/22,tcp/8080                              | |
| staging   | mnsandboxstaging_zookeeper3_1 | sandbox/zookeeper:master   | tcp/2181,tcp/2888,tcp/3888                   | |
| staging   | mnsandboxstaging_zookeeper2_1 | sandbox/zookeeper:master   | tcp/2181,tcp/2888,tcp/3888                   | |
| staging   | mnsandboxstaging_zookeeper1_1 | sandbox/zookeeper:master   | tcp/2181,tcp/2888,tcp/3888                   | |
| staging   | mnsandboxstaging_cassandra2_1 | sandbox/cassandra:master   | tcp/7000,tcp/7001,tcp/7199,tcp/9042,tcp/9160 | |
| staging   | mnsandboxstaging_cassandra1_1 | sandbox/cassandra:master   | tcp/7000,tcp/7001,tcp/7199,tcp/9042,tcp/9160 | |

To stop the sandbox:

$ sandbox-manage -c config.cfg stop staging      # or stop-all to stop all the running sandbox
[07-02 11:23:19] INFO - Loading configuration file: config.cfg
[07-02 11:23:19] INFO - Sandbox staging - Stopping container api_1
[07-02 11:23:20] INFO - Sandbox staging - Stopping container zookeeper3_1
[07-02 11:23:30] INFO - Sandbox staging - Stopping container zookeeper2_1
[07-02 11:23:40] INFO - Sandbox staging - Stopping container zookeeper1_1
[07-02 11:23:50] INFO - Sandbox staging - Stopping container cassandra2_1
[07-02 11:23:52] INFO - Sandbox staging - Stopping container cassandra1_1

Provide your own flavour

To provide your own flavour, just create a folder, place your flavour yml file in it (you may want to copy and modifify a base one you find Here, and specify it in the configuration file:

$ ls /workplace/midonet-sandbox/venv/extra

$ cat config.cfg
docker_socket = tcp://

$ sandbox-manage -c config.cfg flavours-list --details
[07-02 11:41:30] INFO - Loading configuration file: config.cfg
| Flavour      | Components                                                                                                                                      |
| zk-only      | 3x sandbox/zookeeper:master                                                                                                                     |
| master+kilo  | 1x sandbox/keystone:kilo, 2x sandbox/cassandra:master, 1x sandbox/midolman:master, 1x sandbox/midonet-api:master, 3x sandbox/zookeeper:master   |
| 2015.03+kilo | 2x sandbox/cassandra:master, 1x sandbox/midolman:2015.03, 1x sandbox/keystone:kilo, 1x sandbox/midonet-api:2015.03, 3x sandbox/zookeeper:master |

The flavour file will inherit and reuse base components. You refer to base yml files using the $BASE variable:

$  cat /workplace/midonet-sandbox/venv/extra/zk-only.yml
    file: $BASE/zookeeper.yml
    service: zookeeper
  image: sandbox/zookeeper:master
  - /zoo/conf/
  - ZOO_ID=1
  - 9000:2181

[ .. cut ...]

Provide your own component

Same way, you can provide your own components creating a components directory and passing it in the configuration file using the extra_components parameter.

The component directory must follow a structure like ($component/$version/$(component-version).dockerfile). For example, if want to provide your zookeeper component tagging it as master, the associated components directory will be something like:

└── myzookeeper
    └── master
        ├── bin
        │       └──
        └── myzookeeper-master.dockerfile

This specify the myzookeeper:master component (docker image) that you can use in your flavours.

The configuration file will look similar to:

$ cat config.cfg
docker_socket = tcp://

Provide an override

An override is a directory that contains a directory for each component to override (the name must match the 'service' parameter defined in the flavour yml file)

$ tree /workplace/midonet-sandbox/venv/myoverride
├── midolman
│   ├── midolman-master.deb
│   └──
└── zookeeper

Each component folder contains the script and may contain files.

When an override is applied to a sandbox each container mounts the specific override folder in the /override path and change its CMD to /override/

Typical uses of an override is to pass a new debian package and install it, or change a configuration file before starting the service:

$ cat /workplace/midonet-sandbox/venv/myoverride/midolman/
dpkg -i /override/midolman-master.deb
exec ./

NOTE: if you call another script within your override to start an upstart service (e.g. calls /sbin/init to spawn any upstart service), do it through the exec command (not a regular invocation).

To apply an override to a sandbox you can use the --override parameter:

$ sandbox-manage -c config.cfg run master+kilo --name staging --override /workplace/midonet-sandbox/venv/myoverride
[07-02 11:52:59] INFO - Loading configuration file: config.cfg
[07-02 11:52:59] INFO - Spawning master+kilo sandbox with override /workplace/midonet-sandbox/venv/myoverride
Recreating mnsandboxstaging_cassandra1_1...
Recreating mnsandboxstaging_cassandra2_1...
[ ... cut ... ]

Provide a provisioning script

You may want to configure a virtual topology once the sandbox is up&running. An handy way to achieve this would be passing a provisioning script at the command line. This script will be run just after all the containers are up and will take care of inizializing the virtual topology. A command line will simply looks similar to:

$ sandbox-manage -c config.cfg run master+kilo --name staging --provision venv/myoverride/

Eg: The following provisioning script will create a tunnel zone and register two hosts to it:

set -uxe

# Wait that all services are up&running
sleep 30

CLI_HOST="$(docker ps | grep midonet-api | awk '{print $1}')"
CLI_COMMAND="docker exec $CLI_HOST midonet-cli -A -e"

HOST0_ID=$($CLI_COMMAND host list | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}')
HOST1_ID=$($CLI_COMMAND host list | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}')
HOST0_NAME=$($CLI_COMMAND host $HOST0_ID show name)
HOST1_NAME=$($CLI_COMMAND host $HOST1_ID show name)

MIDOLMAN1_IP="$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' $HOST0_NAME)"
MIDOLMAN2_IP="$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' $HOST1_NAME)"

# Create the tunnelzone and add midolman
$CLI_COMMAND tunnel-zone create name default type vxlan

TZONEID=$($CLI_COMMAND tunnel-zone list | awk '{print $2}')

$CLI_COMMAND tunnel-zone $TZONEID add member host $HOST0_ID address $MIDOLMAN1_IP
$CLI_COMMAND tunnel-zone $TZONEID add member host $HOST1_ID address $MIDOLMAN2_IP


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  • Python 74.4%
  • Shell 25.6%