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EasyRoadmap 🚀

A powerful WordPress plugin to create and manage product roadmaps with a Kanban-style interface.


📌 Features

  • Custom Post Type (task) for roadmap items.
  • Custom Taxonomies (task_stage, task_product) for categorization.
  • Drag-and-Drop Sorting for tasks and roadmap stages.
  • REST API Support to interact with roadmap data.
  • Kanban Board UI for a visual workflow.
  • Upvote & Downvote System to prioritize tasks.
  • Shortcode Support for embedding roadmaps on pages and posts.
  • Admin Panel Integration for managing tasks and settings.

📦 Installation

From WordPress Plugin Upload:

  1. Download the latest .zip file from Releases.
  2. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New.
  3. Click Upload Plugin, select the .zip file, and click Install Now.
  4. Click Activate Plugin.

From GitHub (Manual Installation):

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    composer update --no-dev
  2. Upload the easyroadmap folder to wp-content/plugins/.

  3. Activate the plugin via WordPress Dashboard > Plugins.

🛠️ How to Use

1️⃣ Add Roadmap Tasks

  • Navigate to EasyRoadmap in the WordPress admin menu.
  • Click "Add New" to create a roadmap task.
  • Assign a stage (e.g., "In Progress", "Completed") and a Product (if applicable).

2️⃣ Display the Roadmap (Shortcode)

  • Add the following shortcode to a page or post to display the roadmap:

  • To filter by product:

    [roadmap product="Product_ID"]
  • This will generate a Kanban-style board with draggable tasks.

3️⃣ Drag-and-Drop Sorting (Admin & Frontend)

  • Reorder Stages in Admin: The roadmap stages (task_stage) can be sorted via drag-and-drop in the WordPress admin taxonomy list.
  • Drag-and-Drop Tasks in Kanban: You can drag tasks between columns to update their status dynamically.

🖥️ REST API Endpoints

📌 Task Endpoints

  • Move a task to a different stage:

    POST /wp-json/easyroadmap/v1/tasks/{id}/move

    Params: id (task ID), stage (new stage ID)

  • Get a task's details:

    GET /wp-json/easyroadmap/v1/tasks/{id}
  • Vote on a task (Upvote or Downvote):

    POST /wp-json/easyroadmap/v1/tasks/{id}/vote

    Params: id (task ID), type (upvote or downvote)

  • Sort tasks within a stage:

    POST /wp-json/easyroadmap/v1/tasks/order

    Params: order (Array of task IDs in new order)

📌 Stage Endpoints

  • Sort roadmap stages:

    POST /wp-json/easyroadmap/v1/stages/order

    Params: order (Array of stage IDs in new order)

📌 Option Endpoints

  • Get a WordPress option:

    GET /wp-json/easyroadmap/v1/option?key=option_name
  • Update an option:

    POST /wp-json/easyroadmap/v1/option

    Params: key (option name), value (new value)

  • Delete an option:

    DELETE /wp-json/easyroadmap/v1/option?key=option_name

🛠️ Contributing

Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or have a feature request, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

Development Setup:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    composer install
  3. Make your changes and submit a pull request!

📜 License

EasyRoadmap is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

📧 Support

Need help? Contact us at or open an issue on GitHub.

💡 Built with ❤️ by EasyCommerce

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